Diethylpropion Forums (Page 2)
Recently active Diethylpropion forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Diethylpropion and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Does this medication make you feel tired? ## Fatigue is not a listed side effect, however there are other known and more serious side effects such as, insomnia, blurred vision, chest pain, etc. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.
1 REPLY Updatedi would like to now what is it for and side effects and how to use it. ## This is a brand name for Diethylpropion, also sold under the brand name Tenuate. It is a stimulant drug that suppresses the appetite. Some of the most common side effects include: insomnia, hypertension, changes in libido and nausea. In the US, this is only legally available by prescription, so see your doctor for proper dosage and usage instructions.
1 REPLY UpdatedI found a white pill which says Watson 783 on it. What is it? ## I would like to know what drugs are in the drug ambophyllina ## Watson 783 This is Diethylpropion 25mgs, a generic for Tenuate Dospan, this is used in overweight patients to help control their appetites so they consume less calories and fats. ## Sorry, I can't find anything under the name ambophyllina could you please double check the spelling?
3 REPLIES Updated