Did They Replace All The Original Oxycontin With This New Crush Resistant Formula? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I heard that all the pharmacy replaced all the original oxycontin (OC) with this new formula that prevents anyone from crushing it. The new pills says OP on the one side instead of it saying OC. And if you still can get the original oxycontin (OC) do you now need to request it from your doctor so he can write you a prescription for the original oxycontin (the pill that says OC on one side instead of it saying OP

82 Replies (5 Pages)

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I have been going to pain management for 3 years. My Dr. had me @ 3 - 60's a day. Then wanted to change because he thought I was building too much tolerance. Put me on 4 - 30 mg of ms contin and 3 - 100 mg of new drug called nucynta. A month ago I had total knee replacement. My ortho and pain dr worked together and put me back on oxy 60 along with ms contin and nucnynta as needed. New oxy not near as effective as old. My pharmacist also told me there is no generic for oxy. Pain dr will start weening me off oxy Monday. I can say new oxy works better than ms contin. What is ms contin? had 9 knee surgeries and both ankles reconstructed. 9 of the above mentioned in past 7 years. Not asking for pity, but how do I convince dr to keep me on oxy? Go to him Monday morning, need help soon. Sorry so long of a rant, but Im sure someone here can help me

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YES!!! There are many resolutions to your problem. The following drugs can help your pain just as well as the "old" oxycontin did.....:Oxycodone (instant released/crush/chewable) which comes in 5, 10, 15, 30 and rarely 60MGs, :Opana(I think thats the correct spelling) which come in 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80MG tabs, again chewable/crushable, :Morphine, which come instant or time released tabs, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 120, and 150MG tabs, :Methadone (for SEVERE PAIN AND HIGHLY ADDICTIVE) which comes in tablet or liquid form, in tablet form only 5 and 10MG tabs are currently available, I HOPE THIS HELPS YOU AND "PLEASE" TALK WITH YOUR PRIMARY PHYSICIAN BEFOR STARTING ANY NEW MEDICATIONS, PS; all of the meds listed above are narcotics (OPIATE CONTAINING ANALGESICS) AND ARE ALL HIGHLY ADDICTIVE (PHISICALLY AND MENTALLY) AND SHOULD ONLY BE USED IN CASES WHERE NON-OPIATE CONTAINING MEDS ARE SIMPLY NOT WORKING!!!!!

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People on this thread seem to be experiencing the same sort of problems that people are talking about all over the website. We rely on our medication to function and are being faced with medication that doesn't work, new rules almost weekly, and trouble getting our medication.

Marianne has a petition to address these problems with the lawmakers. If we don't do something about this soon, we aren't going to be able to get our medication at all. The petition is addressed to the state government of AZ and the Federal government. Marianne spoke with the website admin and is going to add the State governments of the people who sign the petition. That way everyone gets state along with the federal


Please click and sign. All of us need to get our lawmakers involved in helping us. Every signature is so very important.

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Don't know if anyone is still posting on this thread any longer, but I stumbled onto this thread when doing research on yet another new medication (which would be the oxycontin op you all have been discussing here). I am now up to 21 different prescriptions that I have to set alarms for multiple times a day to alert me when to take certain Meds, when I need to eat in order to take specific ones with food, and also alarms to indicate when I need to stop eating so I can take Meds after 2 hours of not eating. I AM ONLY 26 YEARS OLD!!! I wouldn't wish this lifestyle on anyone (even my worst enemy) I get overly excited when my doctor tells me that I am able to discontinue medications that I no longer need. Because of my knowledge and experience in the healthcare field I always research any and all new medications 100% as well as any diagnostic results performed so that I know exactly what everything means. It's the best thing anyone can do for themselves because it makes it easier to communicate and ask your doctor all the right questions. doctors are people too and can make mistakes or over look things just like anybody else. Not only that but it's extremely important to be able to educate others on your condition especially family. This can make all the difference ensuring that you receive the best possible support from friends and family. I would not probably be here right now if it wasn't for the support that I receive from my family. Unlike most of you who have tried both the oc and op pain medications and can give your opinions based on personal experience. I am new to the extended release oxycontin after exhausting all other long lasting pain medication due to reactions or bad side effects, but I was on the instant short acting oxycodone for about 2 years and based on that I can say that I got better pain relief from the 15 mg oxycodone ir than what I have been experiencing with the 20mg 12 hour er.

My problem was that the short acting medication didn't last long enough and I hated having to take so many and needing to have them with me everywhere. Especially after I had them stolen out of my purse at one time, I was desperate for something I could take at a scheduled time less times a day so I could leave them in my safe with the rest of my medications. I honestly don't understand what abusers get from this medication. I assume it's different for those that really need it for the reasons it was intended. To go along with what you all have said regarding those couple of i****s and there unwelcome comments. I agree 100% because if in fact they were really reading what you all were saying they would have realized that what they had to say had no business being apart of those conversations. I believe that they are getting paid by the company to do what they are doing. The concept really is not that far fetched, and many companies everywhere do pay people to promote there products (right or wrong) and I'm sure they also work to discredit certain issues similar to this to work in their favor. Hell they have a company that creates a Facebook page for small business owners and for a small fee every month they have people post favorable comments to your page that are not real to make you look like something more, and then sends notifications and invites to as many people as they can surrounding your location. Our country is made up of lies and greed and people who take so much for granted. I'd like to see what their disposition would be like having to go through some of what we have. I can honestly say that it's given me a completely new perspective and greater appreciation on life going through my experience.

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Started taking 40 mg Oxymorphone last month, 4 a day 20 mg oxycodone, took 60 mg oxycontin for past 5 to 6 years, noticed difference in oxycontin about November of 2015. Only thing comparable is Opana (Oxymorphone). biggest problems are stomach pain and headache. Received more pain relief from old Oxycontin, not so much on new. Best thing is price difference, went from paying $80.00 a month to $20.00 a month. Price increased drastically in January 2016 for Oxycontin. Thank goodness for insurance. May have to pay more for Oxycontin, more money for less pain relief. Wanted to thank Keith for voicing what myself and others also think. If more Dr.s would call for random pill counts, abusers would be kicked to the curb where they belong, instead it makes it hard for actual people with pain issues to get help to manage their pain so we can function daily. I suffer from spinal degeneration, fractured spinal cord from a major car accident and Lupus. Real pain suffers will manage medication to control pain level. True addicts will take until gone to feel high, in my opinion is wasteful and ignorant.

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The original Oxycontin has been discontinued and will no longer be available. Once pharmacies are out of their current stock, there will not longer be a supply of it out there.

The new Oxycontin OP has been specially designed to prevent abuse, by retaining its time released properties, even if crushed or chewed.

Otherwise, for pain, it works the same and still has the same side effects, such as: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and constipation.

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i was in a car wreck with a friends driving over 120 MPH and told him not too, but we hit a concrete median on the high way and the carsa frame was completely smashed front and rear driverside and the frame was swisted by 30 degrees, onlt the auto shoulder belt was used cus i didnt know about my friends crazy driving, btu the impact was well over 100 MPH and ever since my pain gets worse month by month, i was on the old oc 40s last year 2 a day, and now i get the op 40s and two a day same as before and it takes several hours to do anything and it wears off two hour later with hadly any pain releaf at all, THIS NEW OP OXY-PLASTIC OP F---ING CRAP DOES NOT WORK AND EVEN AFTER TAKING MY SECOND PILL OF THE DAY I HAVE NO RELEAFE AT ALL, WHO CARES ABOUT THE ABUSERS IF THEY DIE SHOOTING THATS THERE F---ING FAULTS NOT YOURS AND NOT MINE, BRING THE S--T BACK THAT ACULALLY WORKED OR YOUR LOOKING TO GO OUT OF BUSINESS THEN SOMEWONE ELSE WILL REMAKE THE OXYCONTIN THE OLD WAY ANT THEY WILL BE RICH, BRING OLD OXY BACK OR GO OUT OF BUSINESS CORRUPT DRUG COMPANIES AND GOVERNMENT, WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE A FREE COUNTRY WHAT THE F--- HAPPENED TO THAT, USA, SHOULD BE "CORRUPT STATES OF AMERICA"

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The pharmacy told me that OC were no longer available. This is really bad for me as I'm disabled and the new OP are a brand name and costs me over 300.00 compared to the 5.00 I use to pay for the OC's. I'ver tried other meds and nothing else lasts as long. But now the OP's are not lasting. the doctors dont take them so they dont believe you.

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Vito - You asked me to stay here with you guys, so I have. But you have me totally confused?!? The new op's don't work. I refused the morphine. Are there generic oxy's? And are they the old oc's? Will you please email this site to help me understand what you are saying. Thanks.

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There are only Oxycontin OP out there. For those of you who are like me, there are no other drugs that seem to work. I have bad reaction to morphine, and hydrocodone as well.
What I am saying is dont take it lying down!. At least report to your pharmacist, amnd doctor that the pills are not the same effectiveness.
File a complaint with the FDA. The more people that let them know the more seriously they will take this.
The Oxycontin OP upsets some peoples stomaches. The take about an hour to start working, and they sytop short of 12 hours... the intended extension of release. Mine stop right at 7-8 hours.
The point of continuous release meds is to keep us off the roller coaster of pill popping and clock watching.. with stabbing pain in between!
Many are using immediate release meds now.
My docs have kept me on my Oxycontin OP, but have increased my number of breakthru meds. I now take OP Oxycontin 2X a day as always, but am given 6 oxy IR in place of the 2 I used to use to break through!
I wish you well.

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Well my Medicad is'nt paying for real Oxycontin only generics so what does this mean? Do the New Oxycontin oversee the generic style or does it stay the same for ppl who Insurance pay for Generics's

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Loook at your pill. If it has the letters OP on the back then they are giving you non generic, but for coding reasons writing generic. If it does not have OP on the back... on the prescription label, it will tell you manufacturer. If the manufacturer is NOT Purdue, please let us all know!

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Walgreens is all out.. For now atleast..

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I just wanted to agree with Keith. I have had several failed spinal surgery's due to a work related accident. I was on Oxycontin since 1995.When Purdue stopped making the OC and switched to the new OP I had problems like a lot of others. My Dr. switched me to 40 mg of Opana twice a day.I don't think they work as well as the original OC but they are very close.I am just saying give them a try !

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Vito - Thank you very much for setting me straight! That's what I thought. Purdue is NOT going back to the OC's its that simple. So we get to suffer and clock watching. My doctor won't give me another 60 ( I take 3 now) to help with the pain. Or up my oxcodone for break through pain. The licensing board has called him up because he has too many opiate patients. Well hell that's not my fault! Any suggestions?

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I don't know what state youre in.
It would help if you got refered to a pain specialist ( not a clinic- but a rehab specialist)
If medical Marijuana is legal in your state you can look into using this to help distract from the discomfort. If you have muscle spasms, the can give you valium safely enough, and this acts with the Oxy to dull pain a bit as well. Keep making comments .. remarks to pharmacist.. this will let them know your for real.... Good luck- and I wish you low pain levels always!

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Vito - I live in Vermont and they have sent me papers for medicial Marijuana but I ignored them. My doctor has refered me to a pain management doctor. So I will ask about the Marijuana because the oxy's still don't work and I refuse to crush, snort or chew them. You give great advise and issues that I would have never thought of. Glad you made me stay around. LOL Have a great day, I mean that sincerely.

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I'm glad you stayed too!

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do not take it anymore.try a different pain killer that is not made by purdu.if we suffer have them suffer.dont buy it.

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I notice the same with OP it is garbage. Kills my stomache and doesn't touch the pain. Try Opana ER it works way better.

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