Did They Replace All The Original Oxycontin With This New Crush Resistant Formula?
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I heard that all the pharmacy replaced all the original oxycontin (OC) with this new formula that prevents anyone from crushing it. The new pills says OP on the one side instead of it saying OC. And if you still can get the original oxycontin (OC) do you now need to request it from your doctor so he can write you a prescription for the original oxycontin (the pill that says OC on one side instead of it saying OP
Re: Vito (# 5)
What's the name of the Group, how do you join it..
Anyone tried KRATOM
I just do not if know if it inactivates the pill.
You can still get the old school OC 80's as long as you, A, are prescribed them, but most importantly, when Dr Feelgood writes the script, you have to make sure that you tell him/her to check the box, "Do Not Substitute". Then it will take 5-7 days, upon dropping them off, but Walgreens is the only place who will give you OC 80's. Some hole in the wall pharmacies will give you ABG 80's and some EX 80's; CANADA and MEXICO respectively.
Re: Vito (# 5)
Perhaps if enough people join the class action suit, the manufacturers will see their efforts to save abusers are only doing damage to patients truly in pain.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
The original oc not only took care of the pain but it brought you back from the dead, increased your motivation and indeed created
A miracle of sorts giving you your life back. Especially in older people. The new pill is morphine based like so many others and is worthless. They dont care about what thay have done because their true purposes are different than advertised. What a loss.
Re: wtarin1 (# 4)
Opana 40mg is better than Oxycontin 80 mg. The Opana is a Oxycontin and morphine mix I would consider talking to your doctor first and start with the Opana 20 mg first
Re: Keith (# 3)
Believe me we make 2.5 billion on Oxycontin every year and have been testing the new formula for over 4 years now. We are going to implement this with the XR Morphine as well. Unlike the news outlets makes the company out to be we have been working on an abuse deterrent formula for years now. The crazy thing is that everyone is doing "roxi's" (the generic's) but Purdue Pharma gets all the bad media even though addicts say they have not even seen an old formulation OC in years. Hope this helps. Do not abuse medication.
Hav u tried methadone. Use to do ocs 40 t 80 mg. With morphine 60s 3 times a day. Morphine did not work at all. For me methadone worked best for pain. Only thing with me liked methadone to much it became a problem. With 40 yrs exp. Hav foundmethadone works best for pain.long lasting also unlike ocs oxycodone. Good luck
I've been taking Oxycontin on and off for probably 10 to 12 years. Changed to Fentanyl patch for a while. I've been on the same dosage of Oxy for 9 years. Toward the beginning, they offered a generic Oxycontin. My excitement was cut short because the generic was only offered for a couple of months ...NO EXPLANATION. I've read about the doctors wanting out, but, so far, I've had no problem getting it. The pharmacies are another obstacle. I have to call one week ahead to remind them to order for me. If I don't, they seem to "forget" and that delays the rx for a whole week. Getting ready to go on Medicare so these prices need to be affordable for retirees. It's hell to be sick/in pain. I have Avascular Neurosis from steroid damage to my bones 40+ years ago. They are slowly dying. I think stem cells will be the answer for many of us, but that will be another discussion topic. Good luck to all!
Get off this Forum Junkie. "High Times" is more suitable to explain how to Abuse Drugs.
Started taking 40 mg Oxymorphone last month, 4 a day 20 mg oxycodone, took 60 mg oxycontin for past 5 to 6 years, noticed difference in oxycontin about November of 2015. Only thing comparable is Opana (Oxymorphone). biggest problems are stomach pain and headache. Received more pain relief from old Oxycontin, not so much on new. Best thing is price difference, went from paying $80.00 a month to $20.00 a month. Price increased drastically in January 2016 for Oxycontin. Thank goodness for insurance. May have to pay more for Oxycontin, more money for less pain relief. Wanted to thank Keith for voicing what myself and others also think. If more Dr.s would call for random pill counts, abusers would be kicked to the curb where they belong, instead it makes it hard for actual people with pain issues to get help to manage their pain so we can function daily. I suffer from spinal degeneration, fractured spinal cord from a major car accident and Lupus. Real pain suffers will manage medication to control pain level. True addicts will take until gone to feel high, in my opinion is wasteful and ignorant.
Just tell the pharmacy you want non generic. I am prescribed xanax 2 milligrams 3 times a day and I always wondered why 90 of them only cost me $28 where non generic costs over 500. I sent a generic to a lab to get tested and it came back with less than one milligram of alprazolam. A lot of people don't know but some of these companies have labs overseas and even though it's FDA approved India agreed but the FDA can comment as their meds while being manufactured upon a minimum 24 hours notice pretty much saying 400 to go soon so let us know what we can make. I never buy generic. My friend owns a pharmacy, 10 actually and he told Me and Eric they only have to carry 85% of the medication. The price difference to me was a dead giveaway.
I have been using oxycontin for several years. retired and several severe health problems. Last year while using the time release I would start having hiccups. These could last up to 3 days. I was changed to oxymorphone January and the hiccups would develop into spasms and I would actually stop breathing. Several trips to emergency room. Everything would be gone by the time I would be examined. Reverted back to oxycontin time release 20 in October. This is still happening. I only take this drug as prescribed orally. Symptoms usually start with regurd, then hiccups then spasms. I do not pass out but the length of time I cannot breath is rather scary. I have cut down on usage and the symptoms go away but the pain returns. Has anyone else had this experience?
Yes all stores have replaced them all its a new law that started in the beginning of the year.The people that make it had till the 6 months to comply.
Finally, someone gets it! Thank you. The only way to make them feel "ourpain" is to break their bank accounts. Sorry, but its true. Not enough Americans stick together anymore. We stick together, we will always win. But they know we won't. Sad. I'll stick. Will you?
Yes they didn't make it for druggies. They made it for people who are in need of real bad pain relief. And new ones are made to last up to 8 hours, instead of working right away and they fade off in a hour or two. Gods speed
I'm currently still on oxycontin an oxycodone an the new formula op does not work well at all the oc did great but I think the wax has alot to do with not working an it messes up my stomach an the old formula never did but after the stock ran out at all the pharmacy's they went from oc to op hope this helps anyone out more than likely if anyone does come up with say real oc they are probably fake an could be poison if not bought at your local pharmacy
Hello I've been on 80 mg OxyContin for about 3 years had stomach problems. Then my ex mother in law taught me about ALOE VERA wild berry flavored drink.It fix my tummy problems in 2 days. I drink a cup once or twice a week. Or as needed.walmart and most drug stores carry it.And every night I take 2 senna before bed to help me pop every morning after a cup of coffee.ive had 2 FAILED back fusions that blew out the next 6 top disc. I know the aloe Vera drink is the greatest tummy fix ever. God luck and Gods Speed
The evaluations were done with a control group of 7 white mice with stomach ulcers. Six of the mice reported no pain except for the tippy tip of their tail, the last mouse was kicked from the program. Go figure o.O
I have multiple sclerosis and battle cancer and they work just fine for me.. You know damn well if you abuse them and you're not admitting it. So cry me a river.
I have been on oxycoton for 18 years and i am a chronic pain patient. most of my life i take oxycoton 80s and have been for years. the cost of my oxys at safeway are 1,758 dollars. anyone who doesnt beileve this please call safeway yourself. are there coupons to help me or will the company who makes them help with the cost? oh by the way that cost was for 84 pills. you are so right. i hurt more now then i did while i had the real oxys. i have never sold my pills and i never will cause i need them so badly. thanks for listening to me nama (grandma)
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