Did They Replace All The Original Oxycontin With This New Crush Resistant Formula? (Page 3)
UpdatedI heard that all the pharmacy replaced all the original oxycontin (OC) with this new formula that prevents anyone from crushing it. The new pills says OP on the one side instead of it saying OC. And if you still can get the original oxycontin (OC) do you now need to request it from your doctor so he can write you a prescription for the original oxycontin (the pill that says OC on one side instead of it saying OP
RAY - Please, please don't give up! I don't understand the pain associated with cancer. But I have a shoulder that no longer works and in constant, daily, pain. So I do understand that. I am also a Christian NO WHERE in the Bible does it say that ending ones' life will cause you not the enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I probably shouldn't have told you that! But please hang in there! Your family and friends love you to much. The pain you would cause them would be immeasureble! I know, I lost my husband in a drunk driver accident, and the pain and grief WERE immeasureble and still is. That was 22 years ago. So PLEASE think this over before you act. God loves you, it says so in the Bible.
I got throat cancer base of tongue,the new oxy swells up embeds in the tumor & now is harder to swallow with the new formula. I cough it up an hour later twice the size it went in my mouth. I don't have a problem with other pills. Notified my doctor I lost about 6 of them coughing them up on the street or garbage. They really screwed it up for the good people who didn't crush it, but it took it out on everyone else. I'm sick of this gestapo DEA doing this this. The new oills will swell up like a marshmellow & if you got throat cancer their gonna lodge in your tumor so you can't swallow them. It's disgusting what they have did to people with throat cancer making it harder to swallow the oxy.
I am sorry for your pain. Yes the new OP is trash!
Opana, or oxymorphone, b care ful it is much stronger a 20 is more like an instant release 30. Yet they are still time released, but no stomach issues no plastic or crush resistance stuff which is what I think give me the stomach problems. Good luck and b careful they may try to dub you a junkie or abuser.
Hey swim I just want to take it orally. I do not want to IV or snort it. I have the OP 80 and it is gel and it is gross. I just swallowed for pains d it did not do sh**. So please help me. I do want the H* as well. The euphoria helps me through the day. So could u explain how to get it (hi) orally.
I am on the OP 20, it doesn't work, I was recently switched from MS (morphine sulfate), that also wasn't helping, I have taken the Opanas not with a prescription though, I just want the dr to put me on opanas, what do I need to say for them to do that, these ops are hurting my stomach...idk what to do
I am so excited I met this guy that stockpiles oxy and he gave me 3 of the old Oc and yes they say Oc on the side omg it tasted so good its been forever since ive tasted that drain ahhh!!!
YES!!! There are many resolutions to your problem. The following drugs can help your pain just as well as the "old" oxycontin did.....:Oxycodone (instant released/crush/chewable) which comes in 5, 10, 15, 30 and rarely 60MGs, :Opana(I think thats the correct spelling) which come in 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80MG tabs, again chewable/crushable, :Morphine, which come instant or time released tabs, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 120, and 150MG tabs, :Methadone (for SEVERE PAIN AND HIGHLY ADDICTIVE) which comes in tablet or liquid form, in tablet form only 5 and 10MG tabs are currently available, I HOPE THIS HELPS YOU AND "PLEASE" TALK WITH YOUR PRIMARY PHYSICIAN BEFOR STARTING ANY NEW MEDICATIONS, PS; all of the meds listed above are narcotics (OPIATE CONTAINING ANALGESICS) AND ARE ALL HIGHLY ADDICTIVE (PHISICALLY AND MENTALLY) AND SHOULD ONLY BE USED IN CASES WHERE NON-OPIATE CONTAINING MEDS ARE SIMPLY NOT WORKING!!!!!
Yes! The new Oxy OP hurt my stomach too! I need help!
I reside in Melbourne, Australia, take 80mg OxyC twice s day plus 2x10 mg Oxynorm as needed, for breakthrough pain - and I am also finding the new "plastic" formulation of OC to be
1) less effective and shorter acting re pain relief
2) My stomach is SO irritated. At night my stomach is so loud I have to go to the spare room so as not to keep my partner awake. So now we're both losing sleep every night as well.
Additionally, the packaging is very difficult to remove the OC pills easily from. I can't imagine the manufacturers worked too hard on being consumer friendly in this respect- the pills can never be "popped" out, I have to manually cut them free with a knife. If it's part if the whole "slow diwn the Abusers and kids" ethos: great. But for those of us in terrible pain trying to access our own meds with fingers stiff and twisted from arthritis..the new packaging and the rubbery, less beneficial tablet are Not AT ALL sympathetically designed.And having suffered previously from stomach ulcers, my badly upset stomach does not thank you either!
in fact it all feels like a cruel joke.
I have taken Oxycontin for almost 20 years, for chronic pain. I was forced to be weened off it and hydrocodone (Norco). I was devestated. It turned out to be a miracle. I was switched to another medication, which I am hesitant to disclose. One reason is that I have a lot of trouble finding it in stock at pharmacies, The other reason is, I fear the government will take this medication away from us REAL pain suffers.
And abusers will find out about it. Ask your doctor for a nu medicine. 150mg er, blue oval pill twice a day and the same nu medicine 100mg ir, up to 6 a day,bright pink pill. I hope you and your doctor can figure out what they are, with this nu information, show your doctor this message and he/she wil probably understand my message. Post again and I'll c if I can help more.
Just take a couple roxie 30s
I've been having a horrible time with my oxycodone. I can not take products made by KVK Tech and I've been through four pharmacies in about a year. They each start with a decent oxy, then suddenly all they have is KVK Tech product.
I've have been considering asking my doctor to prescribe something for my breakthrough pain rather than oxycodone. What medication are you talking about? Need the help please.
Cut it in 1/2. Or...
Place the tablet in a spoonful of water. Take some sort of fire (a lighter preferably) and light it under where the OxyContin is. You will see the water start to boil, let it boil while moving your lighter back and forth for a while but slowly. You don't want to burn it. This technique melts the shell off and voilà!!!! Get ready to feel something a lot stronger than you normally do with the wax shell on it. It's way more potent that way and it will likely give you what your looking for. Hope this helped! ;). If your taking it orally as directed, cutting it in half is quick & easy and still gets the job done just the same!
People on this thread seem to be experiencing the same sort of problems that people are talking about all over the website. We rely on our medication to function and are being faced with medication that doesn't work, new rules almost weekly, and trouble getting our medication.
Marianne has a petition to address these problems with the lawmakers. If we don't do something about this soon, we aren't going to be able to get our medication at all. The petition is addressed to the state government of AZ and the Federal government. Marianne spoke with the website admin and is going to add the State governments of the people who sign the petition. That way everyone gets state along with the federal
Please click and sign. All of us need to get our lawmakers involved in helping us. Every signature is so very important.
As far as I know most of them have been changed. However, a US Marine gave me like 5 not too long ago because my sciatica was acting up real bad from riding around in the car with my niece. He had broke his arm. These OxyContin were not changed. They were little white pills and they were a very powdery substance.these OxyContin that he gave me were the best I've ever had they took my pain away completely and immediately with just one tablet. So, the government must give the Marines the real deal. Mine that I have now are "time released" so, I have to cut them in half to find immediate relief. I have heard of people melting these things down to the white substance in the middle to make them what they used to be. I have never done this myself because I am not a drug user but rather a patient of a pain clinic because I got in a bad accident four years ago. So, mine are fully legal.
note: the information that I'm giving here is not meant to provide information to drug users but rather just to answer the question given above. Thank you.
Thank you so much to those of you who have already signed our petition. We need every signature we can get.
Post 57, click and sign, please. We have to get some lawmakers on our side, or we may end up with none of the medications that we need.
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