Did Acne Stay Clear For Anyone Who Took Prednisone?
UpdatedI was prescribed prednisone for a bad allergic reaction. My rash cleared, and It immediately had the side benefit of clearing up existing acne inflammation within one day. It was pretty incredible, as I've been struggling with mild/moderate acne for ages. However, reading Prednisone reviews, I'm getting very concerned that once I stop the prednisone (I'm tapering down), my acne will flare up worse than before.
I was wondering if there is anyone who has the positive side affect of clearing up acne, without it returning.
I am actually only looking to hear those stories with positive acne outcome - I have read dozens and dozens account of people that didnt stay clear - so to ease my fear and help me stay positive, please share if your inflammation didn't return as bad as before.
Thank you :)
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