Did They Stop Making The Roxane 54 411 Buprenorphine? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have been getting the generic Subutex Roxane brand 54 411 Buprenorphine tablets for months now from Walmart pharmacy and the past two times I've gotten my prescription filled there, I was given a different generic made by Hi Tech with an 8 and an arrow. I asked them why the change because those little tablets just are not the same and they said the Roxane ones could not be ordered. I called around to other pharmacies I have gotten my prescription filled at before also and was also told that the Mylan M 924s can no longer be ordered either. What's going on with the Roxane and Mylan Buprenorphine tablets? Did they stop making them or is there some kind of shortage? I had the choice of getting the small Hi Tech tablets which seem alot less potent than the Roxane or the Actavis 153 half moon orange tablets which I cannot stand at all. Has anyone else had a problem getting the Roxanes or the Mylans or know for sure what's happening? I did see that Roxane merged with West Ward but don't know if that has anything to do with it or when the merge occurred and the 54 411 tablets are still listed on the West Ward site as a medication they manufacturer. I've heard everything from they are not making either of the brands anymore to there is just a temporary shortage of the brands.

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Re: Jaydee (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Can I please ask which pharmacies carry the Roxanne's (54 411's)?

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I saw your post and i was getting Mylan brand at my CVS here in northern California. They only had 30 available. I went back today and picked up the last 90 and got three bottles of Westward manuf. Buprenorphine and the tablets are the 54 411 and in my opinion are a little better and smaller than Mylan and taste lousy. But I am happy with them very much. Hi Tech are pure s***. So they are available out here but the bottle says Westward Pharmaceuticals in New Jersey.

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Re: Cxxl9 (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I feel you. I was on the 54s for 3 years almost 4 straight without taking any other brand in between. Now all of a sudden my pharmacy switched to the newer high quality rhodes co. 8b RP ones. And honestly if you can't find your 54s in your area try asking your pharmacy to order these RP 8b rhodes company tablets. They are identical in shape to the 54s. And they are great. I made the switch to them from the 54s flawlessly after 4 years. Also they have less or more easily dissolvable fillers so when it comes to dossing. There's WAY less bunk left over. HOPE THE FEEDBACK HELPS. Coming from a long time 54 (roxanne) consumer.

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Re: subs saved my life (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

Hello everyone. An update on my psot with CVS and Mylan replacing with West Ward formerly Roxanne: even though on my patient record with CVS "Mylan Only" they still gave me a different one. Not even the West Ward this month/ Today I pick it up and clearly stating on the receipt "Mylan Only" (they had two days to fill it, too) I open the package in the car and I couldn't believe it! Sun Pharmaceuticals in India brand. I am a pretty stable compassionate person and decided to at least try it since I do have the option of returning/exchanging the unopened other three bottles.Lo and behold these are just are a good match to the Mylan. I am pleased surprisingly so. So' if you get the Sun brand with the white tablet imprint 460 don't worry. These do tend to burn initially slightly but they dissolve very quickly and have very little taste. From now on these are more than satisfactory for a generic. I know everyone is different but give them a try. You will be satisfied as well. Again everyones makeup per se is a little different. One thing for sure is these are much better than Actavis and extremeley better than Hi Tech (worst ones ever for me). Costco here in Northern California is cheapest but issue the Hi Tech ones. So spend a little more money and call around. Teva is the best but hard to find and very expensive. Mylan, West Ward and Sun for me are the same. Happy trails and it really is so good to be alive and free from the demon of addiction. Yes I am addicted in some way to these. But slowly tapering off begin this month and have my life, wife and job back. I don't do the stupid crap I used to do. I have a life worth living finally after 40+ years of fighting the demon. This medicine really saved my life.

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I'm in Sacramento California and I have taken the roxane 54411 and brand for 5 years and have noticed the difference in quality. This is bulls***. What's the point? When they do s*** like this they are no better, actually worse, than the dope pushers cutting with bulls*** just to increases profits. Needs to not be individual companies. Thought laws were being put in place so they can't keep f***ing with us. This is how s*** gets real sporty...

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Re: Ken lips from sac (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

Check out the Hatch - Wexman Act of 1984. Basically allows generics to be a +/- 20% strength. I'm in Oakland area trying to get Purdue RP/b8 tablets. Should know by tomorrow. I've been getting screwed by CVS with Sun Pharma crap from India. Mylan is best for me but cannot ge5 them consistent. The Westward niw Hikma I ve had before but cannot get them either. Purdue is best. Supposed 8.6 mg of buprenorphine. Find out tomorrow. I pay out of pocket but willing to pay more for quality and consistency.

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Re: Tylor (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

Check out the Hatch - Wexman Act of 1984. Basically allows generics to be a +/- 20% strength. I'm in the Oakland area trying to get Purdue RP/b8 tablets. Should know by tomorrow. I've been getting screwed by CVS with Sun Pharma crap from India. Mylan is best for me but cannot get them consistently. The Westward now Hikma I've had before but cannot get them either. Purdue is best. Supposed 8.6 mg of buprenorphine. Find out tomorrow. I pay out of pocket but willing to pay more for quality and consistency.

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Re: Tylor (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Hello, just wanted to clarify something. Pharmacies all have different suppliers. They are not necessarily linked to Pharmaceutical Manufacturer(s) it’s all about whoever is their distributor. I’m surprised that Wallgreens doesn’t offer the White or Green Alprazolam, did you try CVS? Also, the 54 111 Subutex that Roxanne Pharmaceuticals had are now Hikma Mfr. (WestWard sister company). They bought Roxanne Labs and used their proprietary formula to make their Subutex. The 54 111’s are the CHEAPEST generic for a pharmacy to order, from all of the other brands. So if your respective pharmacy says they can’t get it, I can promise you that it’s most likely that they just, don’t want to. Which is sad because we all know how different brands of Subutex work sooo much different from each other. But if you ever want the 54 111 white round sublingual tablets- Hikma is the Manufacturer, owned by WestWard Pharmaceuticals. Hope that helped... not trying to correct you or anything, just sharing my knowledge in this field. I was using the Mylan brand for a little while and when I had to try Actavis, because Mylan stopped shipping to the US, without letting anyone know, my life turned upside down!! Never knew that they could be so different, and with side effects nothing like other brands. Blew my mind and I did A LOT of research. LoL. Just my two cents.. take care!

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Re: Jackie (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Hello, you CAN NOT pass a 12 panel drug screen taking Subutex. You will test positive for Bupenophrine (which is an opioid agonist). Have you ever heard of Buspar? They make patches for chronic pain and Bupe is the main ingredient. It won’t show that you have been taking Oxy, or Opiates, but the drug screens now have a Bup panel and Subutex will show positive for use of Buprenophrine (Which is an opioid); it’s all about how it is metabolized and unfortunately, plain old bupe patches that you would get at a pain clinic, are widely abused. That is why the doctor that prescribed the Subutex makes you pee in a cup before getting a refill. They want to see that you are taking your meds and not selling them....

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I’m having the same issue I’ve been taking suburbs from Roxane laboratories 54 411 for years from Walmart now they tell me they’ve been discontinued. I’ve tried a Ravi’s half moons which makes me feel horrible and many others but 54 411 are by far the best. Now I’m about to pick up script from Rhodes pharmaceuticals and the reviews are horrible. Pill imprint to b8 I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes

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Re: Sinner85 (# 65) Expand Referenced Message

b8 rp are great same as 54 411 cant believe it maybe even stronger

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Re: Sinner85 (# 65) Expand Referenced Message

I'm not sure were your getting your bad reviews from above the Rhodes 8mg from? They most definitely are not horrible at all.. I have been taking them since they first came out and I have had not a single problem..think about what is out there and now that's junk. The only two generics we have Rhodes or hikma,.. to choose from live up to original subtext brand that I started on....people will tend to complain about anything, but I'm not going to and possibly jinx it. I will except either or. Just out of the rest of the generics out for us they are no good so let's be happy with these two

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Re: jb (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

Believe me (you didn't get stuck with the Rhodes) you got lucky!

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I'm still trying to figure out how anyone can say they get Roxanne 54/411s ?? They haven't been around for many years. Now westward to Hikma,54/411s ..yes they do have hikma, 54 411s they are around. I have used every generic buprenorphine on the market and we seem to only have 2 generics worth accepting from a pharmacy

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Yes they did merge, so they cannot call to reorder until that is all done. “Rhode” is a brand that is very similar I would recommend

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Re: goozer (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

Do the Rhodes ones look similar?? Big and white? Because I got little white ones with an arrow once from Walgreens and they were terrible...
Sooo Roxanne is gone???

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Re: goozer (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

I just got some last week from Walmart.... but it was their last bottle

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Re: goozer (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for all the information!!! Do they look the same just have different imprint? I’ve tried so many generics and the little white ones sucked badly, and the peach ones are terrible too..

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Re: Hannah (# 80) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, Roxane Pharma unfortunately did not merge, though I wish it was a simple merger, it full blown sold its company to Himka Pharmaceuticals for around 2.6 plus billion dollars and stock. If it were a merger we would still have some Roxane products around. Roxane was around since 1885, what a shame. Yes, Rhodes Pharmaceuticals is a company owned by Purdue Pharmaceuticals and the Rhodes tablet is actually made by Purdue Pharmaceuticals and dispensed by the smaller portion company Rhodes. The Rhodes tablet is a circular white tablet the size about the same as the old Roxane Pharma 54 411 tablets. The Rhodes tablet is also the same size as a Mylan tablet. It is imprinted RP on the front and B 8 on the back. The one it sounds like you had was the generic made by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals owned by Akron Pharma. Hi-Tech products are actually made very well and with quality but a lot of feedback seems like only people who abuse their buprenorphine hcl like the small tablets by Hi-Tech with imprint "arrow logo" 8. Roxane made quality 54 411 tablets for buprenorphine hydrochloride when they were in business but since they sold all 54 411 tablet formulations have been very lesser and would even say bad quality and bad tablets. Himka may be using the old Roxane buprenorphine hydrochloride tablet imprints "54 411" but they certainly are not using the formulation for the buprenorphine hcl that Roxane owned used and made and sold with and form. This to me has ruined Himka for me. They are a very new company and just acquired a bunch of generic companies in big pharma using their own crap formulation off of Roxane's reputation and in a way old name. Sad and messy how these combined.

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