Did They Stop Making The Roxane 54 411 Buprenorphine? (Page 10)
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I have been getting the generic Subutex Roxane brand 54 411 Buprenorphine tablets for months now from Walmart pharmacy and the past two times I've gotten my prescription filled there, I was given a different generic made by Hi Tech with an 8 and an arrow. I asked them why the change because those little tablets just are not the same and they said the Roxane ones could not be ordered. I called around to other pharmacies I have gotten my prescription filled at before also and was also told that the Mylan M 924s can no longer be ordered either. What's going on with the Roxane and Mylan Buprenorphine tablets? Did they stop making them or is there some kind of shortage? I had the choice of getting the small Hi Tech tablets which seem alot less potent than the Roxane or the Actavis 153 half moon orange tablets which I cannot stand at all. Has anyone else had a problem getting the Roxanes or the Mylans or know for sure what's happening? I did see that Roxane merged with West Ward but don't know if that has anything to do with it or when the merge occurred and the 54 411 tablets are still listed on the West Ward site as a medication they manufacturer. I've heard everything from they are not making either of the brands anymore to there is just a temporary shortage of the brands.

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Re: AWV304 (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

July 24th - that's a couple months away and me and my friend only do good on the mylans. All the others can't compare but different people react differently to meds. We are taking the 8s with an arrow but those are just to get by and now we have to go another month or 2 til the pharmacies might start selling the 924s again. That's crazy.

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I have been taking the mylan 924s they help me the best I've seen the orange ones and the ones with the 8 and arrow but didn't know about the 54 411s. Every CVS and Wal-Mart doesn't have any mylans 924s that I like the most but mylan still make Xanax no shortage on those so I do t see them not making the subs. I didn't care for the 54 411 they give me migraines but I dealt with it for a month and switched to the 8s with an arrow. They are what we will be taking until the 924s are back in the pharmacys. I was just wondering why mylan are in backorder on the 924 subs cause that's all that helps me I don't want to relapse or just withdraw I have a life still and things I have to do. I can't do that of I can't get out of bed. Also im in Land O Lakes Fl. They have the 54 411s but no mylans that's all I care about is my 924s.

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I have been taking the mylan 924s they help me the best I've seen the orange ones and the ones with the 8 and arrow but didn't know about the 54 411s.Every CVS and Wal-Mart doesn't have any mylans 924s that I like the most but mylan still make Xanax no shortage on those so I do t see them not making the subs.I didn't care for the 54 411 they give me migraines but I dealt with it for a month and switched to the 8s with an arrow.They are what we will be taking until the 924s are back in the pharmacys.I was just wondering why mylan are in backorder on the 924 subs cause that's all that helps me I don't want to relapse or just withdraw I have a life still and things I have to do.I can't do that of I can't get out of bed.

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Re: Jaydee (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Can I please ask which pharmacies carry the Roxanne's (54 411's)?

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Re: Struggle (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I am in Louisiana and we have got the 54 411, but not mylan m924, they have been on back order for months! Now we have sun pharma with 460 on them, and they do not do anything, i felt bad for a month when taking those! But luckily 54 411, is always on stock at 3 different pharmacies!!

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They still make the 54 411 but roxanne sold out to westward and westward uses their own formulation with the same imprints. That's why you see a huge appearance difference in the two since last year. Old Roxannes are shiny coated and not as crumbly as the new 54 411 and by now I'm sure most if not all pharmacies have already dispensed the remaining sealed bottles of the og Roxannes. Now you will have to take westward 54 411 which are not good. Just compare the images of the same pill from two years back and you will see a huge appearance difference. I recently heard they may discontinue bup, hopefully not though. With all that being said, I suggest getting the Rhodes generic. It is the newest put as of Oct 2017 with imprints RP b 8. They are easily 2 times more efficient than Roxanes now westward pharma and are made by Purdue. Get those and you will be very happy for the switch. They are hard to find though. Will most likely have to ask your pharmacy to order it and if they say no take your business elsewhere to a mom and pops shop that is located nearby to meet your needs like all pharmacies should as they are only in business because of us.

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Re: Jeff (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I am visiting Florida and we are leaving tomorrow morning. My pharmacy has never been out ever but of course they were today. Could you please tell me your pharmacy's name or phone number so I can GPS tomorrow when I get there to fill my script? I have one days worth left and need to find a pharmacy in Florida with a reasonable price.

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Re: Luxor (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on buprenorphine for 3 years. Publix recently switched to the brand that has the 460 imprint. I immediately started having upset stomach, withdrawal symptoms after 3-4 hours, no energy and felt terrible. I Live in Palm Beach county Florida. I went to my doctor and explained everything. He gave me a different Pharmacy who carries the Roxane brand. They even delivered the prescribed pills to me. So, Roxane either still makes and distributes them or they just had plenty in stock. The 460 imprinted tablets are horrible. The new Pharmacy is Not a major one, like CVS or Walmart. I pay a little more, $4 each compared to $ 2.75 each, but it's worth the difference.

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Re: Luxor (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on hi-tech for years. Then this past weekend went to get my meds filled and was shocked to see they gave me the 54 411’s from Roxane Labs, which led me to this thread. So they are still making/distributing them. I’ve been in them for just 3 days and I don’t care for them as much as I did the Hi-Tech. I’m guessing it what you are using to. This pill is HUGE! And I usually 1/2 them, but these seem impossible to half evenly.

Good luck with everyone, I hope you get the MFG you want. I hate that the pharmacy chooses for us after years of brand loyalty!

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Re: Struggle (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I get mine In Ohio too and have been having the same problem.. if anyone out there knows if they stop making 54 411 let me know. I want to make sure pharmacies are not trying to control what medicine I spend my money on.

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This is Nov 20th 2017. I'm trying to find out if the Generic buprenorphine Roxanne,54 411 are still available. or if they discontinued them? I would really appreciate a reply. Thank you.

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I have been having the same problem at my pharm. I have been super tired and sluggish taking the little white ones and I was always on the 54 411s. Please post if u find out anything about the 54 411s. I am going to try to see if I can find a dif pharmacy that will order them considering my pharmacy acts like its a huge deal that I even ask for the 54s. Total BS!!!!! Keep us posted please. Im n ohio I dont know if its any dif here. Please help!!!!!#

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Were you able to find anything else out about Roxane/westward? I called them and was told that they are available and being distributed so they aren't sure why the pharmacies aren't able to get them. I had a call so many pharmacies to find one that had westward. It's crazy bc I have been on it for years and have never had a problem getting it up until a couple weeks ago. I hope this is just temporary.

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A few people I know have been able to get the Roxane 54 411s so apparently they were on backorder or something. I did check the West Ward site (company Roxane merged with) and it appears they are still making the 54 411 Buprenorphine.

Also, I found the Mylan site regarding the Mylan M 924 brand Buprenorphine tablets and I did shoot them an email regarding why the M 924 tablets weren't available and they did respond to me in less than 24 hours via a phone call and left a voicemail stating that the M 924 tablets are still being made, they are just on backorder and should be available again starting the week of July 24th.

This definitely cleared some things up for me but there's still a question about the Roxane brand, I'm not sure whether some pharmacies had some of that brand left in stock and still have some to fill prescriptions with or if they have started delivering to all of their regular carriers again. I will attempt to contact Roxane/West Ward again and see if I can get any type of definite answer from them. I emailed previously and did not receive any type of response from them. I know I absolutely hate the Hi Tech brand and the Actavis brand both, neither seem to work like the Roxane or the Mylan Buprenorphine tablets.

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I wish I knew. I am scared not to get my 54 411 buprenorphine.

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