Did They Stop Making The Roxane 54 411 Buprenorphine? (Page 3)


I have been getting the generic Subutex Roxane brand 54 411 Buprenorphine tablets for months now from Walmart pharmacy and the past two times I've gotten my prescription filled there, I was given a different generic made by Hi Tech with an 8 and an arrow. I asked them why the change because those little tablets just are not the same and they said the Roxane ones could not be ordered. I called around to other pharmacies I have gotten my prescription filled at before also and was also told that the Mylan M 924s can no longer be ordered either. What's going on with the Roxane and Mylan Buprenorphine tablets? Did they stop making them or is there some kind of shortage? I had the choice of getting the small Hi Tech tablets which seem alot less potent than the Roxane or the Actavis 153 half moon orange tablets which I cannot stand at all. Has anyone else had a problem getting the Roxanes or the Mylans or know for sure what's happening? I did see that Roxane merged with West Ward but don't know if that has anything to do with it or when the merge occurred and the 54 411 tablets are still listed on the West Ward site as a medication they manufacturer. I've heard everything from they are not making either of the brands anymore to there is just a temporary shortage of the brands.

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Re: Ken lips from sac (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

The 54,411s are Roxanne /westward/hikma..as of now what your getting is hikma. Inactive ingredients have been changed slightly . To me it's a chalky and at the end it gets kinda gritty..but the main ingredient of buprenorphine will always be there

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Re: Davidjw1 (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

Last time i went to CVS they gave me the Rhodes brand which i think were ok. Better than the Suns or Hi Techs. Not sure if my MediCal will cover my meds filling a prescription for them online like that though. Do you know if they cover it or do you pay out of pocket?

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Re: Mica (# 42) Expand Referenced Message

I pay out of pocket. CVS gave you Rhodes? A White tablet, shiny imprinted with RP on one, side b8 on the other. You sure ? CVS has always given Mylan 924, Sun 460 or Westward Hikma 54 411 tablets and Hi tech little bitty ones with an arrow. . If so that's a miracle. CVS uses Mc Kesson or Ameri Source and Cardinal is the only distributor I know that supplies Rhodes RP/b8 tablets. I have never heard of CVS filling Rhodes brand generic Buprenorphine. But there's always a first.

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Re: Davidjw1 (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

I'm the same my jaw dropped did you find out if she really got Rhodes from a CVS I know for sure not here in Florida will you find Rhodes at any CVS the all had sun last I checked and that was not long ago. It would surprise me because it's a chain store which means they all just about order the same as each other

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Re: AWV304 (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Westward is making the 54 411 tablets. Also, something that was very interesting to me was I had my last prescription filled by HIKMA manufacturer, and they looked exactly like the Roxanne white tablets also with 54 411 imprint on the tablets... sooo confusing, I know. But I hope my input helps a little.

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Re: Eric (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

Eric, Hikma purchased Westward earlier this year. They are one in the same. You have a good product.

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I was in the same boat as you. But fortunately, I did find out who makes the 54 411 White Round Sublingual Tablet. I just had my script filled three days ago. It was three months ago when I could no longer get the same manufacturer that I was on for the duration of my treatment. At first, they were for addiction/chronic pain. I’ve been trying to get off pain medication for years and still battle with pain, and it was just my luck, when I decided to wean off of Subutex, I couldn’t find my brand anywhere. It took awhile (I was taking the Mylan brand) but I found the Roxanne to be the best substitute not only for pain, but for the side-effects caused by the Hi-Tech, ESPECIALLY- Activas (those were the worst). And Sun Brand is also a decent one. But you have to find WestWard Manufacturer. Also under the name of Hikma. When I called the pharmacy, they told me that the could only get WestWard. I said fine, because I am trying to wean off these anyway. When I picked up the script, the bottle says Hikma Mfr. So I’m guessing Hikma is the old Roxanne formula, 54 411. Hope that helps you. Also, I live on the west coast. So I’m not sure how hard you’d have to look for your distributor, but either ask for WestWard, or Hikma

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Re: Daveyjones (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Hey there, I've been taking the 54 411s for like 3 years now. Tonight the pharmacist switched me brands without saying anything and wouldn't take them back even though I didn't leave the pharmacy. He gave me the Rhodes ones. Same as you got I think. They have the RP b8 on them. I'm super hesitant to take these as I've tried other generics in the past and they were NOT the same. Should I try these or contact my doctor and ask for a different prescription? Like I said, I'm hesitant to switch because I know how I feel on the 54 411s...I just don't want to feel any different. Should I bite the bullet and try them and see? Or should I try my doctor and see if I can get a new prescription? Did you feel any different at all? Do you like them more or less? Thanks in advance.

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Re: Nicholi2789 (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

You will like them better. They're by far the strongest generic buperenorphine.

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Re: Davidjw1 (# 49) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I don't know why I'm so hesitant to change it up. I was furious with the pharmacist for changing the brand and not telling me. But he wouldn't take them back even though I didn't even leave. What makes you say they are the strongest generic?

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Re: Nicholi2789 (# 50) Expand Referenced Message

Yah ur wellcome and idk wat it is about those small subutex. I have to take double the dosage of the bigger ones. I even gotta take double the dosage of the white ones just to compare to the orange moons. The 54 411 ones are way better. Just bc I feel like the white ones got more cut in them but there's no shortage on them. It's like this, for me I go to walgreens to get my xanax bars and u can only seem to get the yellow ones. I've asked and asked for white bars, green bars, but they will only give me the yellow r039 bars. It's bc that pharmacy is linked into the name brand company that makes the yellow bars. That's probably wat ur pharmacy did. I refuse the little white subutex. If they aint orange or big white ones I wont take them bc they're a waste for some reason. I know they say they're same mg but they def dont seem like it.

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Re: Nicholi2789 (# 50) Expand Referenced Message

They last longer, dissolve faster and the overall effect for me is mood elevating and somewhat relaxing. This medicine saved my life. It makes me feel normal again. I've tried all the generic Buprenorphine and this for me and many others is the best. Westward Hikma was the best before I was able to find a Pharmacy to order them for me here in California. Everyone is different. I take 32 mg a day so.... Everyone is different. Try them for a couple days. If you don't like them. Tell your doctor and get a new script and call around to find the Westward 54 411. Be well.

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They still are around! I get them every two weeks. Got them about a week ago at CVS like always

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For anyone having a hard time finding the 54 411's:

I live in VA and was going to Wegmans Pharmacy. I went to refill my prescription and was informed that they are no longer affiliated with Roxanne Laboraties because they sold their brand to Westward. They did a partial fill for me of their remaining 54-411's and I went to do some research on this new manufacturer. Ive been taking the 54-411's for over 3 years and have tried other brands and they didnt work as well. I noticed in looking into corporate pharmacies such as wegmans, cvs, walgreens, costco, walmart, etc that tney have more of a strict policy when it comes to manufacturers of controlled substances. In my research I also found that privately owned or "mom & pop" pharmacies have a lot more leniency because they are not restricted by corporate guidelines. Also they do have to still follow FDA regulations. So when I started calling around to find out what pharmacies carried or could order from Westward, I called a privately owned pharmacy and they had absolutely NO issue with ordering them. They also didn't judge me. I simply explained what I needed, and they did the rest. The pharmacist even went as far as to call me personally to welcome me as a new customer. I had explained how other pharmacies had done nothing but judge me and make me feel like a druggie. I've had pharmacists refuse to fill my prescription because they "didnt think I needed to take this medicine" and even go as far as to contact my doctors and demand to have access to my medical file which is illegal because of doctor patient confidentiality. Dealing with pharmacies since taking this medication has been a nightmare but I have finally found one that is kind, understanding, and not judgemental and cruel. If you are having trouble finding your preferred meds I would def look into the mom & pop pharmacies. I self pay for my subs and they are a little more expensive with a smaller pharmacy but paying a little more for preferred meds and professional service is worth it to me. Id rather pay more, get the meds I need, and better customer service than pay less, get meds that dont work, and be treated like a junkie. Have a good night everyone!



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Re: Tylor (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Hello, just wanted to clarify something. Pharmacies all have different suppliers. They are not necessarily linked to Pharmaceutical Manufacturer(s) it’s all about whoever is their distributor. I’m surprised that Wallgreens doesn’t offer the White or Green Alprazolam, did you try CVS? Also, the 54 111 Subutex that Roxanne Pharmaceuticals had are now Hikma Mfr. (WestWard sister company). They bought Roxanne Labs and used their proprietary formula to make their Subutex. The 54 111’s are the CHEAPEST generic for a pharmacy to order, from all of the other brands. So if your respective pharmacy says they can’t get it, I can promise you that it’s most likely that they just, don’t want to. Which is sad because we all know how different brands of Subutex work sooo much different from each other. But if you ever want the 54 111 white round sublingual tablets- Hikma is the Manufacturer, owned by WestWard Pharmaceuticals. Hope that helped... not trying to correct you or anything, just sharing my knowledge in this field. I was using the Mylan brand for a little while and when I had to try Actavis, because Mylan stopped shipping to the US, without letting anyone know, my life turned upside down!! Never knew that they could be so different, and with side effects nothing like other brands. Blew my mind and I did A LOT of research. LoL. Just my two cents.. take care!

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Re: Nicholi2789 (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

Hikma Mfr, makes the 54 111 subs. Roxanne was bought out by WestWard and they distribute them under the manufacturer name of Hikma. I just got mine last week and they are the same strength and effects of when Roxanne was still in business. And no matter what your pharmacist tells you, he/she can probably order them. They are the cheapest of all generic Subutex and that’s what a pharmacy will order- the cheapest ones. So ask for WestWard (that’s what they told me they could get) but on my bottle it says Hikma. Weird.. but they are 54 411 and same strength as always. Peace!

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Roxanne is now WestWard (they merged with WestWard and WestWard used their formula for the Subutex 54 411. Ask for either WestWard or Hikma. They’re the same company so my bottle says Hikma On it but it’s also WestWard. Weird, I know. But Mylan is no longer making Subutex because of a trade embargo and if you want the 54 411 white round sublingual tablets, ask for westward or Hikma. Hope that helps!

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Re: Jackie (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Hello, you CAN NOT pass a 12 panel drug screen taking Subutex. You will test positive for Bupenophrine (which is an opioid agonist). Have you ever heard of Buspar? They make patches for chronic pain and Bupe is the main ingredient. It won’t show that you have been taking Oxy, or Opiates, but the drug screens now have a Bup panel and Subutex will show positive for use of Buprenophrine (Which is an opioid); it’s all about how it is metabolized and unfortunately, plain old bupe patches that you would get at a pain clinic, are widely abused. That is why the doctor that prescribed the Subutex makes you pee in a cup before getting a refill. They want to see that you are taking your meds and not selling them....

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Re: davidjw1 (# 46) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you. Yes I know that. I was just trying to tell everyone that the 54 411’s can be found. Thanks bud!

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Re: Scotty (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for clearing that up. I was stressing having to switch to any other brands and I don't take change easily. Again, thank you so much

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