Did They Stop Making The Roxane 54 411 Buprenorphine? (Page 10)


I have been getting the generic Subutex Roxane brand 54 411 Buprenorphine tablets for months now from Walmart pharmacy and the past two times I've gotten my prescription filled there, I was given a different generic made by Hi Tech with an 8 and an arrow. I asked them why the change because those little tablets just are not the same and they said the Roxane ones could not be ordered. I called around to other pharmacies I have gotten my prescription filled at before also and was also told that the Mylan M 924s can no longer be ordered either. What's going on with the Roxane and Mylan Buprenorphine tablets? Did they stop making them or is there some kind of shortage? I had the choice of getting the small Hi Tech tablets which seem alot less potent than the Roxane or the Actavis 153 half moon orange tablets which I cannot stand at all. Has anyone else had a problem getting the Roxanes or the Mylans or know for sure what's happening? I did see that Roxane merged with West Ward but don't know if that has anything to do with it or when the merge occurred and the 54 411 tablets are still listed on the West Ward site as a medication they manufacturer. I've heard everything from they are not making either of the brands anymore to there is just a temporary shortage of the brands.

195 Replies (10 Pages)

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Me too idk wtf I get the roads brand that's the only one I can stand since I can't find them Milan 924s or the 54 411 anymore so I have to drive 2 hours to a pharmacy that has the Rp b8

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Re: AWV304 (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Absolutely but there is one brand that comes as my third choice 54s and 924s then there's the roads brand with the Rp b8 they're the same size as the 54s and the same strength I actually do a lot less of these but I cannot stand a little tiny ones oh my God or them orange ones moons so if somebody finds out something let me know

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Re: Nicole (# 179) Expand Referenced Message

I recently had to switch pharmacy’s because of a supply issue with my dosage but I called around trying to find the Roxane brand. Nothing. There was teva & Rhodes. Found one that said hikma I called back and said I couldn’t find them on any site and asked what they looked like. They said white with 54 411. So seems like they are now going by Hikma if the pharmacy’s don’t have anymore of the Roxane brand. Just fyi.

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Re: Jj (# 169) Expand Referenced Message

Are the Roxane and hikma tablets exactly the same? I got the new ones through hikma that look the same as Roxane but it seems like they have a different taste. Wondering if they changed anything with them through this new brand. Also the pharmacy told me they were hikma but my bottle says mfg: glaxo smithKline. 54 411.

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Re: Sad but true (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Yea I only trust 54/411 that's all I can trust. And all. Will pay for. If they start putting stuff in meds I don't think mylan or Roxane or westward needs to stop making there pills. People will get pissed. Bc there big tabs and there balanced better. I will go black market if it have to

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Re: Panink (# 185) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah i pay for mine and its expensive but to me its better than the alternative getting the orange ones or the little tiny ones because ill end up having to do a higher dosage and my dr that wrote 3 a day can no longer write tex in my state but can box makes no sense but i think too many were abusing the provider and getting them when dont really need them and got it fed off for everyone. So now i only get 2 a day unless i want to have to be seen i person. On top of that worrying about finding a pharmacy is even harder i just wish theyd lower their prices. You can find them cheap enough but you dont know what brand youll get from one month to the next its just whatever they have on handbwhich is why its cheaper i guess

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They are made by hikma. I prefer the hitek brand but pharmacy just told me they are discontinuing hitek so i got the 54 411s by hikma. They take forever to dissolve compared to hi tek. I hate them

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What my pharmacy told me which is medfast That the 54 411are on back order They will have them in a few days so I went to giant eagle and asked if they can fill a 10 day prescription just to get me through and they said they had the 54 411Well they didn't lie but they kind of lied They only had 4 of my normal tablets and then they gave me the rest and 460 tablets I won't lie I'm kind of nervous on taking them I've been on my normal tablets for almost 3 years now and I hate switching I understand they're the same thing but yeah maybe it's a mind control thing I'm not really sure

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Re: Daveyjones (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I was just told at my Pharmacy last week that the company that makes 54 411 went out of business so I had to get the RPs I miss my 54 411s hopefully it isn’t true

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I know this is a very old post, but I just found this message board. I had been getting 54 for 11s for about eight months. I was on them longer than that. Yes, I need them to keep me clean off of other drugs, but I don't want to die over it. That's why I started taking the subs, to keep myself clean off of other street drugs. Fortunately, I found a doctor that accepted me as a new patient and everything was going well for the first eight months. June of this year made it the eight month that I was going to this doctor. The doctor hooked me up with a pharmacy, which was MedFast. I went there, just like I did several times before. But this time, they said that they didn't have my prescription. So I called my doctor, and they assured me that they did send it over to them.

Upon returning to the pharmacy, they admitted having it, however they needed to ask me a few questions. No problem, I said, and they proceeded to ask me if I was HIV or AIDS positive. I told them that it was a very personal question, but I answered truthfully that I was not. Let me clarify that I am a 35-year-old male, and I don't have any feminine features (I have to add this in because of the next part). To my utter surprise, the next question was if I was pregnant or breastfeeding! Feeling absurd, I asked if I looked like I was pregnant or breastfeeding. She said she had to ask me, which was alarming. Then she proceeded to tell me that I was no longer allowed to receive 54 411's, that I had to switch over to the strips.

I was taken aback and retorted with, "When did you guys become my doctor and start deciding what I can and cannot have?" I reminded them that if they were indeed my doctor, they would know that they had already tried to give me strips — to which I'm allergic. Despite my resistance, they refused to fulfill my prescriptions and implicitly suggested I find another pharmacy. To make matters worse, I was paying cash because they said that my insurance wouldn't cover Subutex. They were charging me almost $400 for 56 tablets! Eventually, I got a hold of Rite Aid. They filled it and only charged me $49 because I had a get well card and a GoodRX coupon. Now the only problem I'm having with Rite Aid, is they're running out of the 54 411's because I'm guessing so many people are going there. As a result, it's a hit and miss if I'll be able to receive my prescription on time, or if I'll have to wait five, maybe ten days. And every pharmacy that denied me is blaming it on the DEA.

I understand that they're cracking down on people, but what I don't understand is, we're trying to better ourselves. We use this drug to keep us clean, to keep us on a good path in life. I literally consider it a miracle drug because I don't have to chase opioids no more. Consequently, I get my prescription, I take one in the morning before work, and one in the evening. I don't abuse it, nor do I sell them because I need them. I'm literally doing what I'm supposed to do with them, and they keep me on the right path. Yet, the DEA is going to tell me no, I'm not allowed to have them because I don't have AIDS or I'm not pregnant. To me, that's absurd!

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Re: Struggle (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I am in WV and we have not been able to get 54 411 since May. June and July I have received RP b8 and I hate them so much. I hear that The end of July the 54 411 will be back

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Re: Sad but true (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

A new company named Hi-tech is producing them in NJ. I had same problem but went to old pharmacy and they have 54-411

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Re: Nikki (# 191) Expand Referenced Message

I'm from WV too. It's gotten worse now I've heard the little ones is all you can get now unfortunately I don't know what is going on as if we don't have it bad enough we now gotta contend with this BS.

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Re: Barney (# 190) Expand Referenced Message

I’m here in Louisiana and we are having a issue with getting the west-ward /hikma brand of buprenorphine all the CVS pharmacy are saying they are on back order and I have heard from someone else that they discontinued them I sure hope not if any information would be helpful

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Re: Jackie (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I’m on sub. Too and only mylan really worked for me. This is an old thread and I’m trying to find something similar to the mylan. Do you have a suggestion

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