Diclegis Forums

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My mom was given the drug in 1968 while she was pregnant with me. I was born with severe heart abnormalities. We found out that it was due to the drug after they filed chapter 11. I'm 42 now and while I now have advanced heart disease I've lived a pretty normal life. I even have a 16 yr old son. Side effects from the drug were devistating, But if your child hasn't shown symptoms by now, I'd say you are safe. Doctors have told me I can not pass this down to my son. I hope this helps. God Bless ## I'm very sorry to hear that you have these health problems and I'm glad you are doing well. However, in law suits/trials over Bendictin, that lasted all the way up until 1986, no scientific evidence was found to prove that it caused any type of birth defects. While the co...

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Sad to see this drug has made its way back to the market. It was previously marketed as Bendectin, Debendox, Lenotan. My mam took it while pregnant with me in the 70's I was born with my right hand missing. No drug is safe during pregnancy. I hope history doesn't repeat itself. ## Hi vicki, Sorry to hear about what happened with one of your hands. In my honest opinion, I agree that most prescription drugs should be strictly abstained by pregnant women, unless the mother's benefits of using the medication clearly outweighs any possible risk to the fetus. Which, under such circumstances, one might wonder if this would only entail an otherwise life-threatening or unbearable condition that these types of medications are used to treat or make more tolerable. However, in the end p...

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