Diazepam 10mg C Dc (Page 2)
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Hi people. I've bought 2 blister strips of actavis diazepam 10mg, 14 pills per strip. Light blue, with C above the score line and DC below. Blank on other side. They melt on the tongue almost immediately. Does anyone know if they are genuine? Any help is appreciated.

43 Replies (3 Pages)

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In my experience they are counterfeit.

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Re: Jay (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

How do you get your gp to prescribe? They have me on 2mg daily, I am seeing my mp. They admit they want to wean you off them whilst doling out killer anti'deps

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These had zero effect on me whatsoever. There may well be legit versions of these however I know where I live there are loads of these fakes knocking about. If unsure, have them tested first.

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I also got 10mg actavis blues saying DC 10 and thought the must not be real tho I did get a effect. Now I'm prescribed 5mg tablets brand accord, they say C score DB and I can definitely feel the Diazepam effect from them. They are very beneficial for every day difficulties or troubles.

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Re: Ozzy (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Thats not true I got 10s here eith 10 middle line and blank and I know by the taste the active ingredient is diazepam

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Re: jim45 (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Teva is the parent company of a plethora of prescribed drugs they are the largest pharma in the world now I believe and have the licence for diazipam

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Re: Ollie (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

How do they taste sweet?

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I've got 15 light blue cdc 10mg and they are actavis, the real deal, plus I got 2mgs of clonazepam that says CLN and number 2 below on 1 side and the symbol X on the other 1 of these is the equivalent of 2-3 10mgs of diazepam there called rivatrol in jail or rivys.

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Re: goodbutstillfakes (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

However Actavis UK are still making genuine 10mg blues, I get them on script from the GP and collect from boots the chemist. See my other post above with the full description in. I can't comment on any non-prescription bought strips of Actavis, however sometimes people who are desperate for money to get opioids will sell their scripts in desperation for a fix so they may well be genuine but it does sound cheap, £1 a 10mg blue is the normal price minimum!

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Re: Chinaman (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I get strips of 14 in the blisters made by Actavis UK on prescription from my GP and collect from boots the chemist. The tablets are a pale blue, blank on one side and the other side has a single split line with the letter C above the line and the letters DC below the line. They are also relatively hard, not like a lot of counterfeits that are poorly made and much more crumbly. The tablets I have described above are legitimate 10mg diazepam. On the box (which contains two strips of 14, giving 28 total) it says MA Holder: Actavis, Barnstaple, EX32 8NS, UK. The box is also marked with the name Almus which is the registered trademark. I hope this helps clarify what the real tablets should look like!

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Re: Chinaman (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

The only way to be sure you are getting the medication you were prescribed. Is to get your prescriptions filled at a legitimate pharmacy.

They still make Valium (Diazepam) There are no plans to stop making this drug. It can be addicting. It can be dangerous, But it is a good drug. It is up to your doctor to decide if the benefits outweigh the risks.

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Hi, anyone come across Actavis Diazepam 10mg light blue, with "cdc" and a split on one side and blank on the other side; 14 in a blister pack? They seem decent enough, got them prescribed in the Dublin area. Anyone have info on them? Cheers.

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I said 2 strips not 3. And since I put up the post I've found that they came from Northern Ireland and they are genuine. They do work for me.

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Ok mate, but if you're getting 3 strips of 14 for a ten spot you REALLY can't expect them to be good now, can you? #REALLY.......

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Thank you for that info. Was very helpful. I'm in ROI but the pills are sourced from either the north or England. Thank you

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Look into diclazepam. A prescription is not required as it was never classed as medicine. 10x stronger than diazepam, also etizolam.

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Should have added i am talking about Diazepam 10mg blues made by teva. There is no such thing as valium anymore. They went out of production in 2013. Hoffman la roche, the makers stopped production after 50 years due to poor sales. Diazepam is exactly the same thing and is licensed to 500+ drug companies around the world to be made. Round here teva is the most common make that chemists stock. I've never bought any street drugs so can assure you that genuine blues are still being made, stocked and prescribed in england.

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Not true mate. I live in bournemouth, england and am on 10mg teva brand. I get them prescribed and usually use the chemist in the surgery or asda chemist. They are fresh made as they have a 2 year use by date on them. Its true that docs don't like prescribing them anymore but mine is cool with giving me 28 to last 3 months.

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You're right, in the uk they only dispense the yellow 5mg ones. Too tired of hearing the old "yeah mate they're the real mcoy taken from a pharmacy" (strange since they no longer hold the 10mg blue variety!!)

So any blue teva/actavis you're being offered are Chinese copies - that's why you can get 3 strips of 14 on some places in Glasgow for a tenner!!!

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They're all gone. I only have 2 trays and wanted advice as I'd not seen them before but they were genuine as far as to say that they worked for me.

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