Diane Pills For Pcos
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Hello, I I was prescribed to take diane or althea for my PCOS, and it says that I need to start taking the pills on the first day of my period. I haven't had my period for almost 3 months now. I am not pregnant, I had my menstruation a month before the diagnosis and had a transvaginal ultrasound. So when can I take diane if I don't have my period yet?

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Hi, I've been diagnosed with PCOS two months ago and the doctor gave me Diane pills and told me to start on the day of my menstruation. However, it's been two months already that my period didn't come. I am not intimately active though. Is it possible to start the pills anytime or should I wait until my menstruation comes?

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I have PCOS myself and my doctor told me I was able to take it even though I haven't had a period in over 2 years, im sure if she said it's safe for me to take it should be for you too

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Hello! I have PCOS as well and my OB advised me the same thing. I'm 1 month delayed and I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant. My OB told me if I still don't have my period I have to go back to her clinic and have to give me another medication to have my period so that I can start on my Althea pack. I'm quite thrifty myself, I don't want to spend another thousand again.. So I consulted my cousin who by the way is a doctor and I asked her about taking the pills even though I haven't had my period yet, she said it was actually okay to start taking the pills anytime as long as you are not pregnant.

PS: I used to take Althea pills before then stopped hoping I could have a regular menstruation, not. So a month later I started taking it again.

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Is it safe? I take diane 35 after my menstruation and we do contact during that day..

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Hi rmc. I have the same problem as of now. I have PCOS and was advised to take the first pill on the very first day of my mens but it hasn't arrived for 2 months now. So I'm really confused on what to do now? Should I wait for my menstruation to arrive then take the pill or just take the pill without mens?

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