Dextran Forums
Recently active Dextran forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Dextran and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I had my first Iron Infusion yesterday of Dextran. I am severely anemic. They gave me benadryl, some steroids and then a 1 hour test dose. Passed that and then onto the 3 hour drip. Everything went fine. Last night I started feeling very weak and achy, hurting in my bones and joints kinda like flu symptoms. I ran a low grade fever and couldn't sleep. Today the flu symptoms are worse and my bones hurt soo bad. Doctor said this in normal side effects and can last from 2 to 4 days. Has anyone else had anything similar happen to them. I am soo weak and I can't stand to miss that much work but I have no energy. I am suppose to monitor fever or chest pains and go back in 2 weeks for labs to see if I need another infusion. He's talking about a biopsy to see why my body is not absor...