Dewitt Pills For Kidney And Bladder (Page 5)
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I was told by a doctor that i have a kidney or bladder problem which seems to be giving me back aches when i try to sit or stand for long periods. I have heard of Dewitts kidney pills and would like to give that a try before things get worse. Can you help me to locate this product?

115 Replies (6 Pages)

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My father was an alcoholic from around 15 years of age until his death at 87 years. He took DeWits pills all his life. I believe this is the only reason he lived so long. I live in Australia. I had a urinary tract infection many years ago that lay dormant for 6 months after taking antibiotics. It then flared up in my right kidney and developed into septicemia. I was in hospital for a week and could have died. I did not know DeWits pills were still being made.

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De Witts Kidney and Bladder pills can be purchased at any West Indian store in Toronto Canada. I have bought a few boxes of 20 in each box. Cost is $6.75 Cdn.

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can i use this pills while i'm pregnant?

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My company is Demerara Imports and we have DeWitts K & B. We are located in the Virgin Islands.

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I found this blog because my mother found the DeWitt's K&B pills very helpful and we can no longer get them in Jamaica. I'm hoping we can get them through friends in Guyana.
I think they changed the formula somewhat and that's why your pee wasn't blue (or green).

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i need to know where to find Diwwit pills? i am in pain

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I need DEwitt pills. i have back pain when i stand for long.

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how long before the pills start working?

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Where the exact location in guyana I can get there pills? And what's the price for a box?

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Where are you living, I have them in my country ...GUYANA...which is located in the continent of South America. It is in all our Pharmacies.

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My husbands depends on DeWitt's Pills when his lower back hurts. When nothing else works, he'll take a pill for a few days and within 24-48 hrs. he feels so much better. He has no problem taking them, no side effects and the price is right. I 'm sitting here looking at the box and the active ingredients are: Salicylamide 108 mg., Potassium Nitrate 57 mg., Caffeine 7 mg. The inactive ingredients are: Acacia, Buchu, Calcium Sulfate, Gelatin, Glucose, Hydrated Silica, Magnesium Stearate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Potato Starch, Shellac, Sucrose, Uva Ursi, Wheat Flour, D&C Yellow #10, FD&C Blue #1, FD&C Red #40 and FD&C Yellow #6. I hope they haven't quit making them!!!!

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i found this kidney pills but made in thailand. marwitts kidney pill.... t.p. drug lab. co. ltd

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They took them off the market because they worked ,,,

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do i need a doctor's note for Dewitt's kidney and bladder pills ? i'm in JHB ''South Africa''

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Hi I am a Guyanese and I usually get DeWitts pills from there whenever I need it. My friend had a bad urinal infection and she call me, I gave her a pack and she was OK starting from the very next day until now. DeWitts pill are the top key to your kidney and bladder pains. My husband was crying out for back pains and I give him 2 and he was fine. I've just drank 2 tonight.

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That pill was great . There is a pill call urelle as ur Dr for it. Natural remedy buy dandelion fresh or the tea bags and make the tea it's very good for your bladder drink fresh cranberry wt no sugar n lots of water.

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Live in Fiji and my aunt told me she used Dewitt's kidney n bladder tabs, they worked. Can anyone point me closer than clicks pharmacies in S,Africa? Need to buy a bottle

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I would like to buy De witt pills.

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try waterfall d mnnose its brill can get it on a site called sweet cures does the trick

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