Dewitt Pills For Kidney And Bladder (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I was told by a doctor that i have a kidney or bladder problem which seems to be giving me back aches when i try to sit or stand for long periods. I have heard of Dewitts kidney pills and would like to give that a try before things get worse. Can you help me to locate this product?

115 Replies (6 Pages)

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My father was an alcoholic from around 15 years of age until his death at 87 years. He took DeWits pills all his life. I believe this is the only reason he lived so long. I live in Australia. I had a urinary tract infection many years ago that lay dormant for 6 months after taking antibiotics. It then flared up in my right kidney and developed into septicemia. I was in hospital for a week and could have died. I did not know DeWits pills were still being made.

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where can i get dewitt's kidney pills in the us or a asfe store name and tel needed to they have something similar in mexico? please help...kidney injury and liver disease... in pain. thank you gc

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In 1964 i felt urination burning and one of the pharmacist suggested De Witts pills which worked like miracle and again in1970 and again i used the pills which worked for me. in 2012 i again suffered and on internet looked and finally got it form south Africa. These pills were fake and instead of relieving the problem caused headache and fast palpitation so i stopped it. Please be careful.

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They are available in Cape town South Africa. I bought it yesterday and it has no side effects that is because I bought it at a legit pharmacy. Works like a bomb.

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I would like to to know where I can find some de wits pills also

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there is a new product now available in most countries made by a german company
claiming to be the best product on the market called canephron made by bionrica
completly natural also repels bacteria from the bladder and kidney uti problems

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Hi I just bought Dewitt pill in Elsburg pharmacy, Germiston ,in South Africa this afternoon .

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Yes, I am in Cape Town South Africa. I also get then at 'Clicks'
They ar very good

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Yes, you pee doe go blue, they cleanse your urinary tract, I have had no side effects from them. I usually take 2 per day for 3 days.
The pharmacies here are very fussy about what they stock. One of course has to avoid 'under the counter' junk.

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Hi I know they are very good and recently found them in South Africa

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Is it still available for purchasing in South Africa?

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I cannot find anywhere in Amanzimtoti where they sell Dewitts Kidney and bladder pills. Where can I get them?

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I feel like I have to pee longer and some of these were left out at night. I couldn't sleep more. It happened after unprotected intercourse.

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I recently cleaned out a very old house and found this bottle of "Dewitt & company" kidney & bladder pills... 1904. Can you give me any info on what I have?

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Im also in amanzimtoti and have been to all 9 pharmacies and nothing. They say supplier is out of stock. I really need these pills as they are the only thing that works with me.

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Gulf drug company manufacturers de witts

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Tried contacting gulf drug company in Durban, they will not sell directly, they sell to clicks. The old type pharmacies seem to still keep them, the new modern ones don't seem to as they would rather sell you medication that will do even more damage to your kidneys. They say they sell to clicks. In JHB waterfall pharmacy on long road newlands has them, so does the pharmacy next to spar in witpoortjie.

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Waterfall pharmacy, long road, newlands.

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Look up gulf drug company they manufacture de witts

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For people suffering chronic kidney and bladder infection de witts is great but when it is not available or at present Gulf drug company has interrupted supply, grow bearberries then it is always there. I imported seedsyto south Africa and intend growing my own. I have CKD so no medication is good my kidneys, Apple cider vinegar ia good and bicarbonate of soda, they also help with clearing infection.

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