Details About Susten 300 (Top voted first)


My doctor suggest me use susten 300 through vageina from day 17. I want to know about its side effects. Whatever its good or bad. I also planning for a baby. Can u tell me why she suggest me this medicine? for last 4 months i suffer irregular menstrual problem. Please tell me details of SUSTEN 300 and its use.

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Susten contains a Progesterone hormone, this hormone is vital to a woman's body and normal menstrual cycle. If you are not producing enough of it, it can cause irregular menstrual cycles and impair your ability to get pregnant.

Possible side effects may include: nausea, headache, weight changes and breakthrough bleeding.

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hi friends, this s nandhiniraja. 4yr completed my marriage life. we r trying too baby. now we both r 31 years. i have irregular period before marriage. after marriage i saw the dr. what i said "now we don't want baby plz quire my irregular period. they given Yasmin for 1 year, krimson 35, melmet . now a days im stopped that tables. now we r planing for baby. December i started the treatment. december month they put the siphene 5000 units on 3rd day. after that 10th, 12th, 14th day they scanned. they said endo 5mm, 13thday 6mm, 17th day 7.1mm so this pcod problem so, we will go for next month another treatment. the next cycle on January month they put hmg 75 iu injection 3rd day and 8thday and estradiol valerate 2mg & ovaflo tablet they gave, after that 10th day 12thday same as they scanned 10th day endo 7mm and 12th day 9mm after the scanned the dr said we will go for laparoscopy then only u got the good result. so, plz wait for u r period day after that i will give the date for laparoscopy surgery. so im waiting for my period but not got that now 43day. 37th day tested the pregnancy tester but negative result that day i saw my dr they said some women's scans only saw that pregnancy so u also wait for on 5days after that u go for chick in hcg test and they gave susten 300mg 5 tablet. so im take that tablet. so, now i have a doubt what purpose for this table (susten 300mg)? in case i got pregnancy this good for pregnancy? now today my 43day today all so i tested the pregnancy tester but not positive? now what to do? plz tell me the what happen for me? what purpose for susten 300mg? plz answer me friends .

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hi, my last period was 08 june 2014 but still now i did;t get my period and my doctor was advised me to take susten 300 mg for 5 days i took for 5 days but still now i didn;t my period aslo and my pregnancy test was negative on 31 july 2014

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