Desperately Seeking A Quality And Caring Pain Doctor In The Phoenix Tempe East Valley Area
UpdatedDesperately seeking a new pain management dr or personal care provider in the Tempe/Phoenix/East Valley are that will be considerate enough to let me partake in the "mandatory" drug panels by means other than urinary. I am a spastic paraplegic that is incontinent, I use self catheterization which can produce severe discomfort under normal conditions, let alone from a chair or in an uncomfortable position or place. I have actually been hospitalized for a condition which can be brought on called autonomic dysreflexia (AD). I have been on fentanyl and oxycodone for the last 7 years due to a bullet in my spine. My normal blood pressure is 120/80. My blood pressure has been recorded at 160/122 without the dr taking notice that things were going wrong even after my complaints. 160/122 is just the beginning stages of AD. I'm becoming fearful and could really use some advice.
1 Reply
Hello, Anthony! How are you? I'm so very sorry about what you're going through.
Have you spoken to the doctor about it? They may let you bring in a sample in the catheter bag that you've done at home, perhaps from the morning before your appointments.
As to the AD, I'd suggest getting yourself in with a doctor to have that checked out immediately, to keep yourself out of danger.
Can anyone recommend a good doctor in that area that may help?
The FDA classifies these medications as being narcotic analgesics, so they have the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
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