Delay In Period When I Took Nordette As An Ecp
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Hello. My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex last March 31. Fearing pregnancy, I took Nordette as an emergency contraceptive at 6pm on April 1st. I can't seem to remember when but I had a withdrawal bleeding on the month of April for 5 days. The following month, May, I had my period from May 24-28th. But then my menstruation skipped June. Now, it is currently July 21st and I still haven't had my period. Should I be worried? My mom's been bugging me to see a doctor but I'm afraid she might find out that I took pills. Help please :(
9 Replies
I had my monthly period last May 24,2018 then it lasted May 26. I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend at 1am of May 27,2018. I was kind of worried because I am not yet ready to get pregnant. I took Minipil ( Hormonal Contraceptive) at 4pm on the same day May 27, 2018 and will continue to take it. Will there be possibilities that i get pregnant. Please help me i need some advise.
My menstrution is on last dec 10 till 13 then got sex with my hubby on 17 of dec then 18 i take nordette 21 after taking noerdette i got menstrual bledding till now i dont have menstruation supposed to be first week of january ...nordette pill can delay your menstruation
Hi Belle! :) I had my period just yesterday. Thank you :D
Hi Shei! I just wanted to let you know that I got my period last Thursday!!! I hope you get yours soon too!
I still haven't have my period too. I took pt 3x (last july 17, 21, aug 4) and the result is negative. Thank you Belle, I'll take your advice.
Shei, I also still haven't had my period!!! I am also scared but my boyfriend told me not to stress myself too much since it may cause much more delay in my period. He also recommended me to take vitamin c and exercise regularly. He's a nurse btw. Hope everything works out for us! Best of luck!
We have a same situation. I took nordette last February 10, 2016 my withdrawal bleeding is Feb.17 2016 then i had my period March, then April i dont have, then May i got my period again then this june and july, i still dont have my period. Please tell me if you got your period now this August. Im soo scared.
I bought mine at the mercury drug last March, I don't know if it's still available right now..
Where did you fill your prescription for nordette? Is it still available in mercury or through Watson? Please help me.
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