Deflazacort Side Effects


i am sufferring with Post viral poly arthritis. Doctor has advised me to take Deflazacort 6 mg tablets for 10 days. Can i use this medicine for 10 days. Any side effects are there. my age is 35 years/female.

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In the month of february 2011 i got viral fever with arthritis (wrist, elbow,knee and ankle joints). pain was migrated from one joint to another (with in the above four joints). General physician suggested to do the Blood test for DsDNA, AsDNA, C-reactive protein (CRP)and ESR. Out four tests CRP and ESR positive with 3.8mg/L and 103 mm respectively. then he diagnosided that its seronegative rheumatoid arthritis and prescribed Prednisolone tablets for 15 days along with pain killer. Next i went to Orthopedic doctor. He said its not Sero-ve RA. We need to do the symptomatic treatment for this arthritis and he suggested to take methotrexate, folic acid, Deflazocort, saaz..... tablets for 3 months. But i have followed general physician medication and it was cured.
Recently (october 2011) i got pains in joints. but the pain is tolerable thats why i have not used any pain killers. now from last 15 days my left hand wrist joint (near by wrist joint, back side of the palm) was swelled. still it is there. During the rest position swelling will not be there. if i do any type of work swelling is there. pain also . what happend to me . Which tablets to be taken. What should i do now. Is it dangerous. please clarify me
It was cured and i was fine. Or

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hii raga once consult a rhume..once u got ra it will not got cured u hav to medcine reguraly...probably steriods and pain killers ..dont stop going to ur doc ..dont neglect

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Can deflazacort 8 mg thrice a day be given to a female aged 80 years for spinal nerve compression?

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Hi. I have been diagnosed with muscular dystrophy and read in the Wall Street Journal that Deflazacort was given to help treat the disease. Can anybody fill me in on this matter? If so please let me know. Thank you.

{edited for privacy}

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Re: Daniel (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Daniel my grandson Brian had Duchenne MD. Was put on prednisone-when he was seven. The side effects were too much for him . We changed to deflazacort which we obtained from Italy there were less side effect & he took it for another 15 years before he died. Was it helpful? I don’t know his cousin Nickolas is 35 now & never took it.

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