Deflazacort Forums
Recently active Deflazacort forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Deflazacort and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Am 31 male taking dezcore 16MG for a day for autoimmune acute pancreatic. advised me to take this dose for 2 month and the reduce. Any side effects. Some days am having heavy head ach is this a side effect? ## Hello, Ranjith! How are you doing? I'm very sorry about the problem that you're having. And yes, all medications carry the risk of causing side effects. This is a steroid class medication, so it could be causing the headaches you're having, it can also cause fluid retention, insomnia and weight changes as side effects. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Iam24 taking zemprid16 for mouth ulcer for tendays.can intake this for more tendays
i am sufferring with Post viral poly arthritis. Doctor has advised me to take Deflazacort 6 mg tablets for 10 days. Can i use this medicine for 10 days. Any side effects are there. my age is 35 years/female. ## In the month of february 2011 i got viral fever with arthritis (wrist, elbow,knee and ankle joints). pain was migrated from one joint to another (with in the above four joints). General physician suggested to do the Blood test for DsDNA, AsDNA, C-reactive protein (CRP)and ESR. Out four tests CRP and ESR positive with 3.8mg/L and 103 mm respectively. then he diagnosided that its seronegative rheumatoid arthritis and prescribed Prednisolone tablets for 15 days along with pain killer. Next i went to Orthopedic doctor. He said its not Sero-ve RA. We need to do the symptomatic treatme...
i showed up blood in sputum. doc. gave defcort 36 mg slowly titrated to 6mg and then eventually stop. condition relieved but again showed up blood in sputum after month. defcort also magically cured my dandruff condition which I had for years, but after stopping defcort , dandruff showed up again. can i start defcort again and for how long i should take ## Was any testing done to see what is causing the bleeding and where it's coming from? Blood in your sputum could be do to an issue with your mouth, such as your teeth, or your sinuses, it may not necessarily be due to your stomach. This medication contains the active ingredient Deflazacort, which is a steroid class medication that is most commonly used to treat allergic reactions, inflammation, and immunity issues. The NIH Lists it...
what are the benefits of defcort6, why this medicine is taken for, in what condition the medicine recommended for what are the side effects and positive sides of the medicine. ## Defcort contains the active ingredient Deflazacort, this is a type of steroid and it is used to treat several conditions, including allergic reactions, swelling and immune disorders. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, fluid retention and weight gain. Read more: Are there any other comments or questions? ## Defcort effect on hair .......????? ## I have been prescribed in lieu of OMNACORTIL. How is DEFCORT 6 better? ## Is Defcort 6 is safe if used for 3 days only? ## what will happen if I suddenly stop taking defcort6 tablet? ## Is defcort 6 can used in uretic stone pushing out? ## I am using ze...
As I am suffering with sarcodiasis of lymph node (lungs), I was prescribed defcort 30 mg two times daily (60mg per day) for a period of 45 days and a lower dosage afterwards for another 45 days. Now I completed 30 days of treatment. Can you tell me if there will be any side effects and if so, what precautions I should take? ## From what I can find, it appears Defcort contains the glucocortoid Deflazacort, it is used to as an anti-inflammatory and immuno-suppressant. Common side effects to these types of steroids can include: nausea, drowsiness, immunosuppression and weight gain. Is there anything else I can help you with? ## Can u please tell me how old u are? My hubby is 27 and he tells me dat he's suffering from hypersensitive pneumonitis or sarcoidosis wich is not diagnosed prope...
I m priya aged 28 yrs , got married 2 yrs ago (no kids ) Recently undergone Renal Transplantation on 25-10-11 , Doctor has prescribed to use Defcort 6mg - 4 tablets a day initially but now the dosage has been reduced to 3tablets a day .I want to know the side effects of using this medicine and the preventive measures to avoid them . How long is it safe to use them ?( A long with Defcort i m taking Vingraf 3.5 mg in a day and Mofilet s - (360 mg T.D)1080 mg a day . I m suffering from pre hypertension ( in between 120/80 -140/90 . ## I am I. P. yadav aged 58 years old. I start Deflazacort Tablets (Daycort-6) in this weak, due to different type of allergy, Rhinitis, Sinositis, Digestive system allergy, Skin allergies, durg allergic eczema and Asthma since 1985.However, I would like to know...
Is it a steroid?is it a pain killer ## Enzocort is listed as containing Deflazacort, which is a steroid class medication used to treat swelling, allergic reactions and immune disorders. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, headache and fluid retention. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with? ## What are the uses & side effects of tab enzocort 30mg? ## enzocort deflazacort 6 mg tablet -- what is the ideal dosage? 1 tab a day for 20 days or 2 tabs a day for 10 days ## thanx for your kind & late reply ## how beneficial is enzocort for ankylosing spondylitis? ## what is the alternative for enzocort tab 6mg in UAE ## what is the safer doaseges of enzocort 6 fo age of 16 year old weight 55 kg girl ## my daughter is 11 year old .she suffering from child ezima . doct...
The protein level in my urine is at 800 and causing swelling of the body especially noted under my eyes. The doctor has prescribed the use of Deflazacort 30 mg and Lasilacton 20/50. Will that help me? I am tired of having my eyes swollen as it has been so for a few months.
Updatedi have skin problem on my both hands last years. In last months june 2013 i had treatment of deflazacort30 for one month,15mg for one month,6mg for half month then i leave it iand i feel better but now one month ago same problem start and i start treatment again .How many times and how long treatment can i take in a year?what are the side effects of DEFLAZACORT?
UpdatedMy doctor prescribed Defza 6mg twice daily for 15 days. What is the primary use of it? ## Hi, Kumar! Defza contains the active ingredient Deflazacort, which is a steroid class medication that's used as an anti-inflammatory and an immune suppressant. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, weight changes and fluid retention. ## My son's doctor has prescribed defza 6 mg. He asked him to take 1 in the morning and 1 at night for one week and the next week to only take 1 in the morning. How safe is defza 6 mg for my 13 year old son for his eczema disease? Please let me know.
what is use of defcort tablets? The dosage of the same is requested. ## Defcort contains the active ingredient Deflazacort, which is a steroid class medication that is used as an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant. However, since it's not used here in the U.S. I don't have any dosing information on it. What has your doctor advised? ## Sir, I use defcort tablets morning 15mg, afternoon 15mg & night 15mg for the past five months. Can i stop this medicine immediately, if not how can i reduce this tablet. Please give suitable advice Sir
what is the function of defcort tm tablet? when is it used?? ## Defcort Tm contains the active ingredient deflazacort. Deflazacort tablets can be used to treat a wide variety of diseases and conditions that require either reduction of inflammation or suppression of the immune system. These can include those listed below: • Severe allergic reactions, eg anaphylaxis. • Asthma. • Rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile chronic arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica. • Inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. • Inflammatory disorders of the kidney, such as nephrotic syndrome and interstitial nephritis. • Inflammatory eye disorders, eg uveitis, optic neuritis. ...
DETAILED SIDE EFFECTS OF DEFCROT-6,I AM SUFFERING FROM RE AND ILD ## Defcort contains the glucocortoid Deflazacort, it is used to as an anti-inflammatory and immuno-suppressant. Common side effects to these types of steroids can include: nausea, drowsiness, immunosuppression and weight gain. Are there any other questions or comments? ## if any probs apper in the future wat is the remedy???
what is the use of this tablet? ## Laza-6 contains 6mgs of Delfazacort, which is a glucocorticoid that's used as an anti-inflammatory and to suppress the immune system. Learn more Deflazacort details here. Has it been prescribed for you?
sir i am suffering from gout and have frequet pains so i have taken defcort 6 with consulting my docter . how much side effects dose it have and how many times should i take.pls guide. ## Is this the only medication he has you on? It contains the active ingredient Deflazacort, which is a steroid class medication that's used to treat the inflammation. Learn more Deflazacort details here. However, gout is caused by excess uric acid in your body and usually a medication is also given to help remedy that situation. Learn more gout details here.
I have rheumatoid arthritis. I've been taking defza 6mg for more than one and half years. I am now gaining weight (10 kg). Can I stop taking it? When I stop taking the tab will I get back to my normal weight and when I stop immediately will I have severe pain? Please advise. ## This contains the active ingredient Deflazacort, which is a steroid class medication, so after being on it for such a long period of time, you cannot abruptly stop taking it. In order to get off of a medication such as this, you have to slowly taper the dosage. Learn more Defza details here. However yes, it is likely that you will lose some of the weight, once you are off of the medication. Have you consulted your doctor for advice?
I have been on Deflazacort, 30mg daily, for abt 2 months. Overextended visit has caused me to request more of med but no Dr visit possible yet. Long story. Problem is NO steroid of ANY kind since yesterday. Last dose taken 48 hrs ago @ 10a today Saturday, 7/21/12. If meds don't arrive today, can I safely (though painfully) wait until Mon evening to see a Dr (maybe urgent care?)? I know abt Cushing's @ this stage & my worry is shock 'cause my son works all day & daughter-in-law has newborn to deal w/. Any advice soonest wld b GREATLY HUGELY appreciated!
UpdatedI am suffering with nerve compress problem ,dr prescribed defcort6 two times a day I have hypothyorid i dont want my weight to gain what to do? ## Defcort contains the active ingredient Deflazacort, which is a steroid class medication, but it can cause weight gain in anyone, just not someone with a thyroid problem. Learn more Deflazacort details here. Do you take any medication for the Thyroid problem?
i have breathing problem. some times i suddenly get a suffocation problem then i could hardly breath... endoscopy report said that there is a mild reflux in GE junction. doctor observed the report. he prescribed me to take defcort 6 tablets once a day.... is this combination is right...? and is this dosage perfect to cure it permanently.. ## Defcort contains the active ingredient Deflazacort, which is a steroid class medication that is used to treat inflammation and to suppress the immune system. Learn more Defcort details here. It will not, however, cure it, if your problems have really been caused by acid reflux, because this does nothing to reduce your stomach acid and allow any damage to heal. Are there any other questions or comments?
I have spinal stenosis.Back pain as well as pain radiates to right leg,while walking after 5 minutes or so. Bypass surgery done during 1994.Ejection factor 33%. Started taking Defza 6 mg tablets once a day.Considerable improvement in back pain as well as pain radiating to left leg. Can I continue taking defza 6 mg and for how long.Want advice since having heart bypass surgery anf ejection 33%. ## Is your doctor aware that you are taking it? Defza contains a steroid class medication, Deflazacort and these aren't usually given to cardiac patients, because they can cause fluid retention, which may lead to congestive heart failure. As a heart patient, you should consult your doctor, regarding any medications you take and your concerns about them, because only your doctor can help you de...