Deconamine Sr Capsule Information (Top voted first)
Updatedblue and white capsule
18 Replies
Also a long time Deconamine user and suffering without it. Good alternatives: Advil allergy sinus (green box..same ingredients, lesser dose) or 12 hour extended release pseudoephedrine plus 12 hour extended release Chloratrimeton equal 120 mg decongestant and 12mg of the antihistamine found in Deconamine. The additional 4mg of the antihistamine does make you a little sleepier than the prescription. The advil solution is a good one for not so bad allergy days!
Walfinate D at walgreens
Used this drug for years for severe sinus problems. Now pharmacy tells me it is no longer available. Substitute ny-tannic just does not do the job. Why can I no longer get the Deconomine SR from my pharmacy? It is still being mfg. What is the problem?
Judy, I was told today that there was a court case where the company who makes Deconamine can no longer make it because of one of the ingredients involved in the court case. Not sure if this is true or not.. I'm in the same boat.
It is not a court case, but due to the Pseudoephedrine that it contained, it is one of the primary ingredients used to make Crystal Meth.
The repeated abuse of these types of drugs has caused most pharmacies to move these drugs behind the counter, so they can limit how much is sold at once and make people sign for their purchases to keep better track of who is buying a lot.
This type of new regulation has hurt sales for many of the companies who manufacture these drugs and they have either stopped making them altogether or change their formulations to include Phenylephrine, which has never been proven to work.
Deconamine contains Chlorpheneramine and Pseudoephedrine, you can try asking at your pharmacy for an alternative with the same ingredients, but there aren't many available anymore.
I recently tried the new formulation of Sudafed PE and it does not work as well as the old formulation.
my daughter has been on deconamine for a year or so for severe allergies. Where can this be purchased. It worked quite well for her
I too have used Deconamine SR for years for allergies and cold symptom relief. Kaiser pharmacy tells me it is no longer available. Is it possible it is available in Canada?
I have used Deconamine SR for the past 5 yrs or so. This drug works wonders. I only have to use 1 and it completely eliminates my symptoms. It has been pulled off all the shelves. I wish I had stocked up on it. Thanks for all the tips. Allegra, Zyrtec, Claritin, Singulaire didn't do it for me. I take allergy shots now but, usually take Dec. before my shots. I have noticed marked difference, when I didn't take it-MISERABLE!
I have taken this prescription, 1 pill a day, for a few years now and it is the ONLY one that prevents sinus and allergies from making me feel miserable. We need it back!
I took Deconamine SR for over 20 years. While in the hospital after a surgery, the doctor put me on it to clear up my lungs and sinuses as it was the only thing that worked. Nothing else helps my life long battle with allergies and ear problems. They took it off because of the pseudoephedrine which is used in making meth.
So the normal population which needs the drug to live day to day comfortably suffers from people who misuse it. I think the pharmaceutical company just doesn't make it anymore. There are so many of us who need it to be able to breathe.
Bring it back please.
Yes, I know deconamine was dc'd due to meth lab abuse, but still don't understand this rationale. A prescription is limited to a specific person (for a medical condition), but now --- anyone can buy OTC sudafed type drugs for any reason. This frustrating for those of us who need the drug. I now have to pay out of pocket (whereas ins. paid for script) and have to go to the store frequently due to limited quantity allowable per purchase. How has it helped to change from prescription to over the counter ?
Actually you can still get the prescription drug from certain pharmacies - I went to an ENT this past (2012) who prescribed it to me, but it had to be filled by a special compounding pharmacy that he's affiliated with - most pharmacies do not carry the drug. I'm among those who basically can't go without the drug, and, like many other people, otc meds simply do not do the trick for me.
Because I couldn't get Deconomine sr anymore, I had to start using afrin nose spray all the time. My allergies are severe I can't function. Now I find out that the majority of people are having to suffer as I do because of a few idiots!? It's not right. If they want to make crystL meth. They will find a way. Stopping this drug will not stop them. Please show some sense and bring back this drug for people who need it.
I was finally able to get deconamine at a special compounding-pharmacy; they don't sell it at regular pharmacies. I'm not sure if all ENT's can prescribe it. The one I see is in Atlanta - Dr. Donald Dennis - in the same building as the compounding pharmacy. Of course, my insurance is reluctant to pay for it, but I simply can't function without it.
I have chronic sinusitis or ear and head congestion, and I've taken "behind the counter" decongestants but they don't work as well to treat my problem. I'm being seen by an ENT and an allergist for years but haven't gotten much relief! I need an Rx that will help me. I was given Deconamine over 20 years ago and that was an absolute miracle drug to me but it's no longer available...please HELP!
Re: Cat (# 7)
O-M-G thanks for this information!!!! I have only 1 capsule left of PSE/CPM or Deconamine and I didn't know what I was gonna do. I have been taking just the behind the counter pseudoephedrine tablets but they really don't work by themselves and I won't take them at night cause they can prevent quality sleep. I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem.
I am a mess, ran out of Deconamine SR, I am sneezing and severe headaches. What is the best subsitute?
I also have used Deconamine SR for years, one capsule every morning and i could breath all day with sneezing, watery eyes, running nose. I am encouraged by what I read here that it is still available as a compound!
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