Decadron Forums
Recently active Decadron forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Decadron and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Hello... I es suffering from Tb so my doctor hs advided me to take steroid (Decadron)24 mg per day bt slowly n steadily he reduces it n after 3 & half months i stoped taking it.. bt due to tje side effect of that drug i developed swelling on my face. So pls help me n tell me some medicine to reduce this swelling. ## I have spondilytis doctor suggest me use gabapathine .but after one month I stopped and use another tablet that is ELIWAL but face is swelling and chinn down checks also .please which tablet is good for my stop swelling on my face.
deriphyllin injection is usually given in vein but it is given in intramuscularly? ## There are very few cases of medications where this can actually cause problems or make a difference. Those that are normally injected into the vein are normally used that way, so that they act faster. If it was given IM, it just means that it will take longer to work and be processed into the body. If can also cause some more irritation of the injection site, such as a bubble of medication, sore muscles and some minor swelling. Does anyone else have anything to add, concerning this medication? ## Can Deriphyllin- Decadron injections be given to patients with pacemaker? ## dibetic patient hving bronchial asthma,now suffering injury(orthopedic) ,Age-78 can i give her deriphylline inj through intermoscula...
My husband is on 12 mg of Decadron a day for brain swelling due to brain tumor radiation treatments. He is a type 2 diabetic and his blood sugar goes sky high, often over 300. He is taking Ameril 4 mg 2x daily plus1000 mg Metformin 2x daily. He has just been prescribed insulin to help lower his sugar levels. How often should I check his sugar? The directions say check before meals, but what about snacks? ## Hello, Sweetie Pie! How is your husband doing? The steroid in the Decadron can cause elevation of his blood sugar levels, which likely explains why it was going so high. You should double check with his doctor, but checking for snacks could also be a good idea, if for nothing else than to give you a good baseline reading of where he's at, at any given time. ## I've been check...
I was prescribed decadron to take for 5 days. I am drug screened every week and need to know if this drug will give a positive result on a 10 panel test? ## Dexamethasone (decadron) can be detected in tests if it is something the lab is looking for. But if you were prescribed the medication then you have nothing to worry about. Just present the prescription prior to your drug screening, so they can keep it on file or at least take note of it and expect it to show up. I would only be concerned if this was not your prescription, but as you stated, it is.