Debrisan Forums
Recently active Debrisan forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Debrisan and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Hi, would you please let me know about the availability of Debrisan Powder? ## From what I could gather, Debrisan Powder is a brand name that is available in Ireland. However, the active ingredient in Debrisan Powder (Dextranomer), also happens to be available in the U.S. and Mexico. Do you know whether or not it's available over-the-counter or if it requires a prescription? You can learn more about this drug on the page for Debrisan Details I hope this helps! ## I was told that DEBRISAN is very good for the healing of bed sores. Is this true and if so, how is it used? Are there side effects? ## Dextranomer based product are now part of a line of over the counter wound care products. Exudex® (on Amazon) (100% Dextranomer), Dextrosan® (on Amazon) (a blend of Dextranomer and...
4 REPLIES UpdatedIs a prescription needed to use Debrisan beeds? I know that there used to not need one, but not sure about now, ## There are three types of Dextranomer products available over the counter. Exudex® (on Amazon), (100% Dextranomer, less expensive Debrisan), Dextrosan® (on Amazon) (a blend of Dextranomer and Chitosan) indicated for treatment of infected wounds and Dextatic® (on Amazon), (Modified Dextrosan® with added iron salts), excellent product for treatment of infected and bleeding wounds. {affiliate links added}
1 REPLY UpdatedActive ingredient Dextranomer. ## As of writing, this drug is not manufactured from the US. I was only able to locate Debrisan Paste which is used to treat wounds containing moist soft slough such as ulcers and infected surgical wounds. Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## Crystal. I would like to know where can I buy Debrisan in US. Does not matter presentation paste or beads. Could you help me with that information, also if you know online sites to buy it? ## Unfortunately I can't make a specific recommendation regarding where to obtain medications from. I would recommend that you check with a few pharmacies, and see if you can get a prescription from your doctor. That is always the saftest way to go. Please post back if you have any...
6 REPLIES Updated