

Hi, I was hoping I could get in contact with with other people who have been born with deformities. I was born in 1976 with my right hand missng ( i have 2 stumps ) My mother was prescribed Debendox while pregnant with me. I believe debendox is the cause of my disability.

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My son was born in 1979 with severe miopia.I was prescrbed Debendox to minimize severe morning emesis. I am sure that Debendox is the cause of my son's disability.

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You definitely aren't the only ones to post about this, there is another thread that I'll link below where others discuss the birth defects that they believe were caused by Debendox/Bendectin...It's a shame that this has happened to so many people and their loved ones!


I hope this helps, good luck!

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Hi I was born in 1979 and have a clubbed right hand and deformed spine

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I was prescribed Bendectin in first trimester of pregnancy in 1978. My son was born with a deformed right hand that had no fingers and just a fleshy thumb with no bones. He is 36 now and has stage 5 renal failure, I am sure Bendectin is the cause of both conditions.

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