Debacterol Forums
Recently active Debacterol forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Debacterol and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.The most amazing medicine I've ever used for canker sores is called Debacterol. It is a black liquid that seals the sore and speeds the healing. It stops the pain immediately, and you can get it at focusedrx. You need a prescription but they'll fax your doctor for you and you'll never have pain again! ## Hi, Elizabeth! What a great thing for you to post and share with others! Another product that was approved by the FDA to help treat them and shorten their duration, but never marketed for it is Benzalkonium Chloride, aka Bactine! The Bactine also contains other ingredients, so you have to be careful to only apply it topically and not swallow it or anything, however. It is also available in other formulations that can also be purchased over the counter. Does anyone else have ...
A black think liquid that helps heal cuts and or canker ## This was given to me by a Dentist for canker sores. I always got canker sores that were severe. This was the only medicine that gave me immediate relief. I would like to know where I could purchase more, I am at the very bottom of the bottle I purchased and need more. ## Look into a product called Debacterol, I believe this is what the first post is describing. Hope this helps!
What would recommend for treating a burn caused by Debacterol? I applied Debacterol and rinsed it off after an hour, then my lip got swollen and hard. The next day it looked red and burnt. What would be a good medicine for treating this? ## If I understand your statement correctly, you were using Debacterol for a burn, and after you rinsed it off it caused your lip to swell up? As far as swelling/inflammation and redness goes, I would highly recommend trying Lavender Essential Oil. It's supposedly one of the best & most cost effective natural treatments for things of this 'nature', no pun intended Lol. You can google "Lavender Oil Inflammation" for more specific details on its uses. I hope this helps!