Damaged Skin Due To Persivate Cream (Page 2)
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I have been using persivate for almost a year and I wasn't aware of the side effects, but now my skin is darker, I have lots of pimples and rashes, it is itchy and dry... Please advise me on what to do. Any recommendations?

25 Replies (2 Pages)

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I am a 24 year old female. I started having pimples last year January. The pimples can be very itchy and painful and they leave black scars. my docter prescribed prednisone pills, calasthetic cream, allergex pills, minerva pills and persivate ointment and I have been using these all but its getting worse. please help on what I can use or other options..

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Please help me to find the right way to fight itching and pimples all over my face. I've been using persivate cream for a year now. Should I stop or continue? I'm confused.

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Hey, I really need help ASAP. I've been using the topivate cream for only two months, but now that I've stopped my skin is darker, dry and damaged with a lot of dark marks and a rash. I really don't know what to do. Any quick suggestions?

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Hi, I used persivate ointment last year to clear dark marks on my face n yes they did fade away but then i stopped using it and now my skin is worse than b4 the dark marks, pimples time n again. I need help on what i can use to get my normal skin back n wish to go n see the derma but bcs m not working I cant afford one. Can u help with recommendations, if i can get something at least that i can afford to use on my face so i can get my normal face back (stressed)?

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I was also using persivate cream for more than 5 years. I stopped using it and I had pimples and my skin became dark. My face was itchy night and day then I decided to consult a skin specialist. Although it was very expensive but my skin is healing nicely. The doc told me that if you are using persivate you are damaging your skin. Whoever is continuing using this poison must stop honestly.

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