Daliresp Experience (Page 2)
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I have been on Daliresp for one month. I have noticed significant improvement in my lungs. By that I mean the mucus is gone, wheezing is gone. My lungs seem to be getting clear and do not feel as heavy as they did before I started taking it. I have had my bouts of depression, I am never hungry, which is a problem because I am underweight as it is. Just wondering if anyone else has had success with this drug. I was hoping to get off oxygen at some point. Don't know if I can achieve that or not.

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I have been taking Daliresp for almost a year and have noticeable improvement in my ability to breath. I no long need oxygen all night and only when I'm over active during the day. I do try to take a day off it every several days to both see how I can handle daily activities and give my liver a little break. I have noticed little to no problems doing this. I too am very underweight and have no appetite, now I try to eat a little something every couple hours throughout the day instead of a couple big meals that I burn off breathing and never feel full or hungry either.

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Hang in there if you can I started with 500 mg every other day too much aide effects but it help my breathing now I take a half every two days still have side effects but not as strong I will keep trying cause it works. I was on flovent as well but trying to cut back on that cause it makes me hoarse and. Coughing all the time hope this helps anybody

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Hi. Happy to hear that there is something that is helping you. Have you thought about taking magnesium? I had an axiety attack and the ER told me that I was
deficient in magnesium and potassium. I began using them both. The potassium
not so much. I heard that it can give you palpitations. But the glycinate form of
magnesium does not give you loose stools as other forms of it might. If I feel like
I drank that cup of coffee too late, I will take 2 tablets right before bed. Mine are 400mg each. I generally take about 1-2 with each meal depending on how much
salt I have taken in the meal. It is a great sodium regulator. Hope that this helps, but, of course, ask your doctor first if he or she feels magnesium might be a problem for you.

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Hi, Insee you posted a long time ago. Just wondering on your outcome with Daliresp as I have just started taking it. Or anyone else that wants to answer.

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I have been on Dal arrest for 2 months now it makes me so very sick I am Not sure how much more I can take. Every side effect they said you can get I get. I'm taking the medicine every other day still no sign of relief but I no longer have COPD or asthma symptoms while on the medicine. I have a very rare asthma that is triggered by my menstrual cycle im only 36 yrs young. I can't eat, sleep, drink, I get leg cramps, uti's, headache, fever. Sunday I will try a half a pill every other day.

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Please just hang in there. I had the same symptoms when I first started taking the drug, however; they eventually subside. I lost 20 pounds and weighed less than 100 pounds when I started. But...it is worth it not to be in the hospital every month with pneumonia. I have not been in the hospital for 3 years. If you can't eat, drink milk shakes, ice cream. I eat a lot of nuts and peanut butter and lots of high calorie, high protein snacks. It is worth it. Also, when I first started, I took a pill every other day until my body got used to them

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Amen & Amen. The. Medicare D program is a joke
It knocked out a lot of my medications ..

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I am having trouble with the same thing.
I'm a COPD Patient as well. I have major depression since 1992. The drug dalirest has been helping me to breathe better. I to have a loss of appetite. Can't afford to lose weight myself.
The side effects have became worse than I expected. While the medicine was really helping, the side effects out way a lot of other things. No sleeping. Lil eating, constantly body shaking. Rapid heart beats. I'm so miserable. I have a Great
Lung Dr. The medication was absolutely working great. I'm so upset that I won't be able to take it anymore. Sincerely Bigmamawhite

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I never did. I stuck it out for a month at the full dose and then I was over the side effects as suddenly as they came on. I know others that have gone the 1/2 pill route for a month or two and were successful. One even used only 1/4 tablet, but they are so small I don't know how that's possible. Currently, I have cut down to only 1/2 pill (I was taking 500 mg) per day because I have had no respiratory problems except for one minor cold in the last few years. I attribute that to Daxas aka Daliresp. My doctor was fine with me reducing my dose. I believe it comes in a 250 mg size anyway. I spent a lot of time in the bathroom I can assure you when I started taking it. Have a box of Immodium handy and something to fight the nausea. For me it was all worth it though because I used to get bronchitis a lot.

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Lynn...How Long Did You Do The 1/2 Pill...Do You Remember?

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What about 1/2 a pill every other day to build up your tolerance? I had side effects for one month and then they simply vanished. I have had no bronchitis or serious respiratory illnesses since I started taking Daliresp. I almost gave up too, but I'm sure glad I didn't.

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Took 1pill After 2 Days & I Had Insomnia Which I Had Not Had Before & Severe Nausea At 2:00 A.m. (Which I Had Never Had Nausea At Night BeFore)....Have Not Attempted To Take Another Daliresp Since Fri Night. Just don't Know What Else To Try As I Did See Improvement But 20 Consecutive Days Of Nausea Really Did Me In.... Use To Take In Mornings And After A Wk, Negan Taking At NigHt To Avoid Nausea, But It didn't Work. Any Suggestions? What About 1/2 Pill In A.m. & Other 1/2 In P.m. Hope you Can Give Suggestions!!

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Nausea is a very common side effect. It went away though after a few weeks. If you can get past these unpleasant side effects at the beginning, you should be home free.

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Did You Ever Have The Nausea?

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Severe Copd And Scarring Of Lungs. Given Daliresp 500 MCG and I Have Nauseau All Day Until I Go To Bed & Sleep. Been On It About A Month & The Nauseau Is Driving Me Crazy. Do Not Feel Like Eating Or Doing Anything. Am On Oxygen W/#2 Setting.Dr Has Even Put Me On Zophran For Nauseau, But That doesn't Help Either. Feel I Should Stop Daliresp, But Really don't Know What To Do. Also Have Erosive Gastritis And On Carafate, But The Nauseau Is Big Problem! Help Anyone?

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I take 4 nebulizer meds, and I have my rescue inhaler. I also take sporonox for aspergillosis. I see O2mostly at night, but sometimes I have to use it in the day.When I have an exacerbation I have to go on the dreaded p word medicine! Prednisone! I hate it! He side effects are atrocious for me,and I get them all. I have a vest to use twice a day to keep the junk broke loose cause I can't barely cough it up.

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It's in pill form now. It can take getting used to, but I am pleased with what it's done for me.

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What is your age? How many liters of 02 are you using and how many hours a day? I have used almost every drug out there for cold etc.,but not this one. Is it inhaled r a pill?I haven't even researched it yet. But good luck too you.

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I have been on Daliresp for three years. Prior to that, I was in the hospital about every three months with either an exacerbation issue or pneumonia. I have not been in the hospital or been sick at all with lung issues since I started taking this pill. I have, however, lost quite a lot of weight and really did not have any to lose. I try and eat well and hope to gain some back. Hard to find clothes to fit. But, I am certainly happy with Daliresp. I take one every other day and it works fine.

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If you had exacerbations in the past, Daliresp may bring a halt to those. That's what I have found. I have taken it for over 2 years and have had nothing more than a cold. In the past I used to get bronchitis and have had pneumonia twice. No more! I take 1/2 tablet per day now. I used to take a full 500 mg tablet daily, but I found half as much seems to work just as well for me.

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