Daliresp Experience (Page 4)


I have been on Daliresp for one month. I have noticed significant improvement in my lungs. By that I mean the mucus is gone, wheezing is gone. My lungs seem to be getting clear and do not feel as heavy as they did before I started taking it. I have had my bouts of depression, I am never hungry, which is a problem because I am underweight as it is. Just wondering if anyone else has had success with this drug. I was hoping to get off oxygen at some point. Don't know if I can achieve that or not.

122 Replies (7 Pages)

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Lynn: Which pharmacy in Canada did you use? I looked into that and was a little scared to try..

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CanadaDrugs I bought from them for a year before Daliresp was approved here. I had no problems whatsoever. The larger the quantity you buy, the cheaper the price.

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Thanks, Lynn, I will try them out. How do you provide them with a prescription? Fax??

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When you get to their site, click on Place a New order and it will give you all the instructions. It's simple & they are reliable.

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Well its 4-2-2013, first day on Daliresp. I have read all of the post.. Sure hoping insurance does pay for it, using samples from my doctor. Thanks to all that have posted, mind over matter and I am going to pray it works.

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I have been on Daliresp now for 2 years. Have not had bronchitis or pneumonia once since I started. Have lost a lot of weight. Do have panic attacks. I take low dose Xanax for that. You can get the drug much cheaper in Canada. You will need a prescription from your doctor. It is about 1/2 the cost of what it is here in the U.S.

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I have AARP, they won't pay for it, tried getting it through the patient assistance program and if you have any kind of insurance, you can forget it. It doesn't matter if you only get a small check, they won't help you. That is sad because it helps so many who can't afford it.

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You are correct! That is what our government did to us when they forced medicare D on us. It was suppose to help. But it stopped all drug companies from helping us, like you stated, we have med D, and many drugs are not included, and it just leaves us with being forced to go without many medicines that could help. If you cannot pay out of your own pocket, then that's the end of it. Sad but true.

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I think we should all email this woman and explain our situations, she is with the White House. It won't hurt and possibly may help. What have we got to lose? I will keep trying to find us some help. We could also email, write, and call our State Senators, if we worry them enough maybe they will do something about this loop hole they created.
Department of Health and Human Services
Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
I found her under the President's Cabinet members. Lets all give it a try, can't hurt!

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Nope cannot hurt. Only thing that can hurt, is doing nothing....and expecting change.

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If you can afford to order it from Canada drugs, it is $101.73 for 30 tablets (it gets cheaper the more you order). You can probably safely do a half dose (I have several friends who take only 1/2 tablet a day). This would give you a 2 month supply for about $50 a month. It's something to think about if you truly find the medication beneficial and it isn't covered by your insurance.

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hello... i have been on daliresp for about a yr now.... my weight loss is horrible.... i have lost 20 lbs and dont need to...now under weight.... has anyone tried getting off daliresp and done alright without it...? i do feel better on it but the weight loss is bothersome....i also get blood bruises if bumped on my arms and hands... this is an awful sight.. anyone else suffer from these?????

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i have now been taking Daliresp for 8 months. Most of the side effects are gone but slight diarrhea still remains occasionally. My breathing is much better and I feel much better. Sleepiness has increased and I feel that my energy level has decreased. My appetite is good and I have now lost 20 pounds since starting the medication. I take my dose in the morning and thankfully my insurance does pay for it.

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I have been on daliresp for 4 months, before I was in a hospital 5 times in less than a year. Daliresp is keeping my phylum under control without any known side effects. I also begin taking Advair at the same time. Now my oxygen level is staying at or above 93.

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Check with Medicare, They sent me a form to fill out stating why I needed the drug and have the Dr. sign it and it was approved on an individual basis. As I understand it, there are a lot of drugs on the market that does not have a blanket approval and are approved on an individual as needed basis.

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Frank, please tell me about your stem cell for emphysema that you had in FLA. What did it cost and how did they do it. I want to do this but don't know anyone that had it done I see your post please tell me bout it and I am sure everyone else wants to know. Thank You Dee

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Yes I am going through the same problems.

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After reading a couple of the posts where people have applied for and were able to get their insurance to pay for this drug, I called Medicare and applied. They did all the work and in about a week I received saying that my insurance would cover it. I have Medicare D and United Healthcare through Secure Horizons. You do have to have Part D and a medigap insurance policy for the coverage, but that is the only restriction. I pay about 1/3 of what I paid before now.

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Darlene, My insurance kept denying to pay for it. It took me 2 months to get an approval. Your doctor must fill out papers saying Daliresp is medically needed by you. They'll denied you 2 or 3 times and then they should okay.

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I took 3 daliresp on accident . thought it was. Another medicine of mine . what should I do. anyone ever take more than they should?

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