Daflon And Menstruation (Top voted first)


Went to doctor, cause menses coming every 18 days now, instead of once a month. She prescribed daflon 500, told me nothing about an ulcer or anything. Now my menstruation only lasts 3 instead of 5 days, very little coming out. Is this normal??

13 Replies

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I am taking daflon for a week twice a day and my period delayed 4 days and this is the first time to be delayed.
Does daflon cause of this change?

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The doctor prescribe daflon 500 twice a day till i stop bleeding period but now its 4th day and i'm seeing blood clots in large amounts for first time in my life .. Too nervous too scared

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i am taking daflon from 20 days ma periods were heavy and it came again in about 15 days. Can daflon cause excess and irregular bleeding?

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The last tyme I had my period was on March, and now it came on 1/8/14 ad up to now I still am having it plus it's too much/heavy. Every time I go to hospital I am given daflon and primolut N tablets. Why are my periods take long without coming?

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Pharmacist prescribed me the Daflon 500mg
Because my period is continuously flowing for about a month...

Is this make me cure?

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Daflon contains Flavonoids, it is normally used to venous disorders, it can increase resistance in small blood vessels, to help keep them from bleeding, so that may be why she gave it to you.

And yes, it could lessen your menstrual flow.


Are there any other questions or comments?

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does daflon affect menstrual flow,and if it does,is it smtin am to worry about or what should i do

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I have a monthly period problem.since march 15-april10. And May 9 to june 2 my period is like a spot but then this july 3 untill now is become too much blood..im sxared thats why i went today in the OB-GYNE and she gave me the daflon 500mg..that i can take for 2pcs in the morning and 2 pcs in the evening.. for 7 days.. and ponstan250mg. 2pcs in the morning and also in the evening..good for 4 days.. but ididnt feel any pain in my ..is it to take? Cos im taking 2500 mg.of medicine for 4days plus 2000mg for 3 days.? Pls. answer thank you.

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I am taking daflon 500 thrice a day since 1st march as my doctor prescribed it. Till today I have heavy periods. Is this safe to take daflon so long ? My last period was in nov 2016.

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Re: Duaa (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I have the same problem. Did your own stop. Please if it stop inform me because am really confused

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I miscarried in April and bled for a week. In May I had my normal periods for a week and after four days it started once again up to now.. On April 24th I used p2.. What could be the problem of prolonged periods?.. I need help. I am taking femiplan but seeing no change!

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I have poor circulation and my doctor give me daflon and my period coming for 9 days

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Re: Kathy (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. Did Daflon help you? Cause we have the same case...

Please reply thanks

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