Dilaudid Not Helping Anymore
UpdatedI am on 2mg of dilaudid 4 times a day. that doesn't help anymore so i went to taking 2 of the 2mg at a time and that didn't help so i went to 3 of the 2mg and still no help. i don't really want to go up anymore especially without an ok from the doc. is there anything else out there that would help?
6 Replies
You really were taking a big risk going up that much, without your doctor's approval and supervision, since this such a potent narcotic.
Learn more Dilaudid information here.
As to other options, there are some others on the market. You can learn more narcotic information here.
Have you contacted your doctor about it, yet?
I disagree that you took such a huge dose, I do agree that you should speak to your doctor first about it not helping. Chances are he would increase your dosage as that is a low dose. I have to assume you are opiate tolerant to be on Dilaudid and I too take Dilaudid for Crohn's Disease and terrible migraines. The Dilaudid was not prescribed for the migraines but it really helps mine IF I catch it early, otherwise I just suck it up at home and it's miserable but I can't stand the whole ER thing but that's me. Bottom line is Dilaudid in pill form is so weak, nothing compared to the shot. I take 36 mg per day and I also need a long-acting med otherwise I would never leave the hospital. Try an instant release morphine, I personally thing they are so much better than the oral Dilaudid, I don't know why but it's so much weaker orally. Also, do some research on other avenue of use and no I am NOT saying to IV them, I am very opposed to that, it's very dangerous but there are other much less invasive ways to increase their bioavailability if your doctor won't switch you. Just do your research! I wish you the best.
Okay, Kathy is right, the other ways to take your medication, is to either snort it or plug it. If it were me, I would plug it, basically you are turning into a suppository of sorts. You crush the pill as finely as possible, I take a post it note and fold in half, basically stick to the counter top and fold all edges with pill(s) inside and use a hammer or really anything to smash into a fine powder w/o tearing the paper. Then pull off the counter carefully and open one end and pour the powder into a shot glass or the equivalent and mix it, actually you don't need to smash it so finely if you are not going to snort it (which you shouldn't b/c particles can end up in your lungs and can cause irreversible damage) and just let it sit until it's fully dissolved or mix it with warm water, should be quick. If 3 pills has not given you any relief, using rectally will increase the bioavailability to almost 3 times the oral dose so try 3 again, use a syringe w/o the needle, one for giving a baby meds or one for measuring cough syrup, ask your pharmacy, tell them it's for your child's cough syrup, etc. and pull the solution in and shake it really well, if there is still some solution left in the bottom, I use a second syringe and add more water, just a bit and pull the rest into the second syringe, you shouldn't need more than 6-10 mls tops for both total. Make sure you are not constipated b/c it can affect the absorption and lay on your side, you can use a lubricant if you wish, I don't think it's needed and push the syringe in all the way you can, until the end touches your anus and then push in the liquid, if you have a second syringe, don't change positions and push the second and lay on your side for 20 minutes, you can watch TV, read or work on a laptop - no one would know what you were doing, you could just say you didn't feel well and that was the most comfortable position. I don't know if this dose will be enough for you but I think it's safest to try since you've done it orally, Dilaudid is terrible orally, you DON'T want to IV it, you just want relief so this is the safest way to use it and increase the bioavailability from oral. Just think of it as a suppository and you should get much better relief. Try to keep your dose as low as you can b/c tolerance raises super fast with this drug. If you don't need it every day that would help you a lot, that's what I do, I save it for when I really just can't manage the pain and I never use recreationally b/c I did in the past and my tolerance grew so fast that it did nothing for my pain and you will regret that. I was able to reduce on my own and now I exercise will power and good judgement on dosing, this drug, if you let it, will own you so be mindful of that and you will be okay. Truthfully, if you can just get on something different that's more effective, that would be best. I also have my husband help keep track of my meds which keeps me accountable, I never intended to use recreationally to begin with so now I have an extra safety net to make sure I don't again. Good Luck and I hope this helps you.
Yes ive contacted my pain management doctor. Have a new spot Monday. She talked briefly about a pain pump a few months ago but we haven't sense. I'm afraid to do the other methods ive heard hear (never heard of the suppository before. I'm allergic to corine n morphine.
If you are allergic to morphine and codeine, what about a fentanyl patch? Seems like a surgically implanted pump is so invasive and a HUGE and irreversible step. The doses are so high that you will never had the ability to convert back to oral meds or patches. Just a thought, see if increasing you dilaudid dose would help and if not look into the patches. Haven't met anyone that hasn't regretted a pump for the dosing you are talking about, you are at such a low level of meds, what about oxycontin? Maybe, taken responsibly, that would work for you. Keep us posted.
Im 42 i have stage 4 lung cancer breast and bone cancer currently with hispice i have so many allergies. So i have unlimited dilaudid but nothing works i just started plugging but doesn't do nothing. I cant iv can anyone help what should i do
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