Cymgen Side Effects
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Is Cymgen associated with lens opacity? I recently found out that I have opaque areas in the lenses of my eyes. I have been on Cymgen for several years and reduced my dose from 90mg to 60mg about 3 years ago. Vision disturbances are listed as a possible side effect, and I was wondering if Cymgen could be the cause as this condition is unusual in a person of my age (40s)

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Hi, I also experienced a reduction in my eye sight, and had my eye prescription changed due to it. Other than that I've done really well on the medication and decided that with my new spectacles I could live with that side effect.

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No, even in the detailed side effects for medical professionals, I am only finding that it has been known to cause blurred vision in about 4% of the people take it.

Learn more Cymgen details here.

Have you taken any other medications, including any type of steroids?

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