Cymbalta Muscle Pain And Sweating
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I've been taking Cymbalta for 9 months. I'm experienciencing muscle pain in my arms a lot of sweating. Is this normal? Please advise. Thank You.

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I had horrible night sweats with Symbalta.Nightmares too.But overall helped me get my life back.My libido drive is normal.After a year of taking it I developed headaches and brain fogs.I read that a lot of people experience bad withdrawal side effects.

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No one but you and your doctor can say whether or not you should change your dosage, or try a different medication.

The FDA does list both the sweating, and muscle pain as being possible side effects, along with nausea, dizziness, headache, weight changes, dry mouth, and mood changes.

However, as females, there are other issues that could cause such symptoms, including hormonal changes, which may worsen with age, thus it best to consult your physician, before accusing any given medication, or treatment of causing these symptoms.

How are you all doing, now? Has there been any change?

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I have had the sweating problem, but it's been when I missed or took it late. I wake up with my legs sweating. Yuck!

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Sweating can be a side effect of .Cymbalta. Try going down from 60 mg to 30 . Then, after about a month, if the sweating is worse than the benefits, taper off cymbalta, and try something else.

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