Cymbalta Reviews (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Has anyone been prescribed this medication for back pain?

88 Replies (5 Pages)

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Re: marcia (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

If you have been on it for a couple of months, and it has helped you, and you have not experienced any, or few, side effects, why not stay on it for a little while your shoulder time to heal? You may find that when, and if, you increase to 60 mg daily the side effects may become more prevalent. You will know when you feel like quitting. Tapering off the drug at a slow pace may help minimize the withdrawal. Good Luck. I am glad you have found some pain relief. I can appreciate how it wears on your nerves and depression.

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Re: bonnie (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I took it starting at 10 mg and for two months it was like a miracle drug that greatly reduced the pain. Then month 3 it help at 20 mg. Month 4 30 mg did nothing. Month 5 60 mg did nothing.

I was kept on it and eventually had to raise my fentanyl patch from 62 mcg tp 75 mcg. I hit serotonin syndrome which may be how adhd kids feel. Could not stop moving could not sleep. Had to go to ER. THEY CUT Cymbalta to 30 sent home. Three days later back to er w same symptoms. Cut completely and put on reducing dose Valium. Nine days of high fever back to er. Home after a day.

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Do any insurance plans cover paying for Brand Name Cymbalta? I've tried the generic two times and it does not work for me at all. I've reported it to the FDA (if you've had similar problems, please report it!).

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I was prescribed it for depression. I’ve had low back pain for as long as I can remember. (bulging discs, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease) well after a year I decided I wanted to come off it. I weaned myself off it very slowly. Am having some mild withdrawals, nothing I can’t handle. But my back is killing me!! I sure hope it gets better. Clearly it helped my back pain without me realizing it.

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Re: Stephanie (# 50) Expand Referenced Message

I just started Cymbalta 20mg & day 1 & 2 gave me the worst migraines & nausea I think I’ve ever experienced... Today would’ve been day 3 but I didn’t take it cuz I couldn’t afford to be bedridden a 3rd day in a row.
Has anyone else had this happen trying to start the medication? I really want to give it a chance to help my pain & minor depression but the migraines were debilitating ??

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I was on Cymbalta for two years. And the first 6 months were pain was controlled and my energy level was great. Then I hit a my dosage was the meantime my blood pressure was high and was put on medication. That dosage increased 3 months later. The pain increased and I had depression. My Cymbalta dosage was at the highest allowed so I was then prescribed Prozac. I had to retire due to my chronic pain and while waiting for my disability retirement to be approved by my employer and social security I was without health insurance. By this time I had been off the Prozac. I did not have the money for my Cymbalta refill and I did not do the research on what to expect when withdrawing from this drug. It was terrifying...for a month I was in bed experiencing brain zaps, hallucinations, night terrors. I then read how tapering was the safe way to stop. By tapering off with removing small amounts of the beads at a time. I had to continue the cold turkey method (which I do NOT recommend) and it took 3 months for me to almost feel like myself. It has been 2 years since I have been off this evil drug. My blood pressure is controlled..I still and always will have the pain. One thing that also improved is my eyesight...the strength on my glasses has gone down! I joined a Cymbalta Help Group and it amazed me the awful impact this drug has on so many. I was told of a website that lets you look up what your Doctor is being paid by insurance companies and sure enough my doc was listed with payments from Eli Lilly. Now before I'm prescribed any medication I do my research instead of relying solely on the doctor.

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yes, i've been prescribed this medication but i haven't tried it as of yet. i am online searching for some answers myself before taking it.

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Cymbalta is an anti-depressant with no studies to prove it relievs pain, Look for a pain management dr.

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