Cutting Valium Cold Turkey Safe?


I take 120 pills of Valium 10 mg per month. They are prescribed. However, I am not the weening off type. I must stop cold turkey. Is this dangerous, what can/will happen and is their something I can take to counteract any effects?

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Bob, I was taking about 200 10 mg. of Valiums per month, even more if I had the money to go out to the street and buy them. I am an addict, I take Methadone now and I have been able to stay away from all drugs for about 7 years now, that is about how long I have been on the methadone program.

Anyway getting back to your question about stopping vailum. I would not advise you to stop taking them at one time because I have known of instances that people could have their organs shut down from the sudden stopping of this drug. When I stopped I went thru pure hell, I think it is one of the worse drugs to come off of. It took 14 days for the drug to get out of my systen enough just so I could sleep again. I dont want to scare you but it is a bad drug to detox from with no help. There is a way to detox from valium without going through the pain I did. I am soory but I cant think of the drug that my Doctor told me about but when I see him again which is on March 8,2006 I will ask him and write back to this site and give you the name of it. He has told me that it cuts down on the withdrawal symtems tremendously. Good Luck, Wendell Maddox

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Valium is a Benzodiazapine. these and alchohol are the only withdrawls that can kill you. Mostly from grandmall seizures. and valium out of all the benzos like xanax or clonopin has the longest half life and over time it works its way into your bone marrow. So you might think that after a couple weeks your free and clear, which you would be with xanax, but the valium (diazapam) is slowly secreting from your bone marrow and when it's gone, depending on how much you were on and for how long, you can go thru more withdrawls and seizures almost up to 5 weeks after your last dose. Most important is not to do it cold turkey. Look that up specificly. Google (Valium Withdrawl) before you just stop dude please!!

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Quitting valium (benzo) cold turkey is very dangerous and you could go into seizures. I was addicted to benzo's (prescription meds) and I had to be monitored while I was detoxing from the drug. I never knew this as I had attempted to wean myself several times. You must be under dr. supervision before you detox. Good luck and best wishes.

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most definitely would not stop "cold turky" enough said when the seizures come. its not a good idea at all if you need to stop taking them I would advise you to go to a doctor as well as what other people are telling you and come off the valium as safe as possible.... I really hope it isnt too late and you didn't already stop without being monitored by a doctor or someone close to you. I can not stress enough how important it is to be safe coming off these. They are, (I believe) the hardest drug to come off i know they are one of the most deadly to withdraw from good luck..... let us know how it went.....

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U could die.have a fit be sick in ur sl3p not wake up!or have a bad fit lose power in ur leg.dont be a turkey taper off.

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I'm only bothering to add my voice to this because it is so important. With narcotics like Oxycodone, Morphine, etc., will power may allow you to quit cold turkey. Even that probably isn't smart.

BUT WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT WILL KILL YOU HORRIBLY. Tranquilizers (Benzodiazepines), at the dosages you are taking, if you tried cold turkey, YOU WILL ALMOST SURELY HAVE SEVERE SEIZURES, AND IF YOU WERE REALLY LUCKY, YOU MIGHT NOT DIE. Interestingly, an overdose (alone NO ALCOHOL, OR OTHER DEPRESANTS) will almost surely not kill you. But they are very addicting, and once addicted, STOPPING SUDDENLY CAN KILL YOU. Discontinuing a Valium habit requires a slow taper under a doctors supervision. IT IS NOT EVEN ARGUABLE. If you are not the taper type, and you quit all at once, YOU COULD HAVE A SEIZURE AND DIE, BEFORE YOU COULD GET BACK TO YOUR PILL BOTTLE. Don't even THINK about just stopping. See a doctor, preferably a psychiatrist and let him help you. JUST PLEASE DO NOT DO WHAT YOU WERE THING ABOUT -- COLD TURKEY NO TAPER QUITTING.

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