Cure For Itching Caused By Statin Use (Top voted first)


Intense itching spots due to foods with niacin

2 Replies

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Hi Donna,

I wonder if this reaction is due to an allergy to Niacin, has this happened to you before? Have you considered trying Calamine lotion? I know that it is commonly used to relieve itching and soothe the skin. There are also different essential oils that are commonly used to relieve itching, such as Chamomile, Sandalwood, and Patchouli. If you'd like more information about using essential oils to relieve itchy irritated skin, just post back and I'll be glad to help yah. :)

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Calamine + Pramoxine Details

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I have to take Niaspan (prescription strength of Niacin) for elevated cholesterol. To prevent itching and stinging which it can cause, I take a baby aspirin 30 minutes before I take the Niacin, along with a glass of water. I prefer ice water. You shouldn't have but very little, if any, itching or stinging. Be sure and check with your doctor about taking the baby aspirin, if you're not already taking it.

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