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I have had a triple bypass 7 years ago, and a week ago had a pacemaker fitted due to slow heartbeat.the dr has prescribed zuvamor 20mg one at night. Yesterday I has an episode similar to a hot flush with a severe pain (almost like a trapped wind) between my breastbone. It lasted about 20mins. Also a shortness of breath. All my meds is still the same but Crestor has been replaced with zuvamor. As it is evening here, I am unable to get hold of my doctor and the symptoms are receding now. Could it be the side effect of the zuvamor? Please advise ## Hello, Allan! How are you feeling? Zuvamor is listed as containing the active ingredient Rosuvastatin, which is used to help lower cholesterol. And yes, as listed by the FDA, it may cause those types of side effects in some people that take it, ...
I have taken crestor for 15 years but just got a different size and color pill. Smaller than the usual deep red, with H on one side and 30 on the other - Is this crestor? ## Hello Deb, I honestly wasn't able to find a pill that matches your description but based off of what the crestor website shows they do not make a pill that matches your description. I believe that it may still be a rosuvastatin pill but since it's a 30mg and crestor only makes 5/10/20/40mg it may be a generic instead. I am a little worried that I wasn't able to find it. Does your medication label have a manufacturer listed or a labeler listed? If so I might be able to get a bit more information on the pill if you would like.
I'd like to hear feedback from others using Crestor and what luck they have had with it. ## Crestor is working well as per my last 6 months of medication. Good results. ## Crestor contains the active ingredient Rosuvastatin, it is most commonly used to help lower cholesterol. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and joint/muscle aches. Can anyone else that's been on it chime in with their experiences?
Could this medicine cause my hips and knees to be very painfull? ## Been on Crestor now on Storwin 10mg. Cholesterol count is 6.1. Need I be worried and should I go back to Crestor.LDL COUNT. ## Hello, Hannerie! How are you? I'm sorry that you're in pain. Yes, these statin medications can cause that as a side effect in some people that take them. As listed by the FDA you may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache and stuffy nose. Antionett, only you and your doctor can decide if you should go back on the medication or not. Have you consulted your physician? ## I am on it and I pain al over my body esecially when I am sleeping. FEEL LIKE A 90 YR OLD WHEN I LYING DOWN for more than 30 min and when I have sitted for long. ## Good Day I also use STORWIN for my cholesterol and s...
I am having hip replacement surgery next week and am on Crestor medication. Do I need to cease from taking this medication prior to surgery? ## No, it is a statin that is used to help lower cholesterol levels. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and joint/muscle aches. What medications has your doctor told you to stop taking, just blood thinners, or did they include any other categories? ## I would like to know if Crestor is considered a blood thinner? ## I took creator for many years. It was for cholesterol. I was extremely over the cholesterol limit at 1200 and sometimes higher. My triglycerides were high as well. After a few months of Tricor and Creator I was in total shock that my limits fell very fast and at lower levels. It sav...
Can I use expired Crestor also known as Rosuvastatin after the expiration date? Maybe 2 or 4 months after expiration? Does it become toxic or just lose effectiveness? ## They just begin to lose efficacy, so it would be best to dispose of them and obtain a new supply. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and joint/muscle aches. Is there anything else I can help with? ## My mom has Creator that expired in 2013. Is it safe to take? The bottle has been open.
I take 5mg Crestor and 81 mg baby aspirin together at NIGHT before bed and take 1400 mg fish oil in the morning. My doctor prescribed metoprolol for high blood pressure (to cut in half the 25 mg to see how my blood pressure will be). Can I take it with the Crestor and baby aspirin in the evening before bed? ## Yes, you can take them all, as long as your doctor approves. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, and hypotension. Is there anything else I can help with?
What is a tiny pink or peach pill with G on one side and C on the other? I found it on the floor. ## It's ac20 mg Crestor copy. I get them from my doctor so I am sure. It's for high cholesterol ## Shell is correct, to be more specific, it's a 5mg tablet and the FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and joint/muscle aches. Is there anything I can help with?
Hi. I have been taking Altosec for about a week and am now suffering from a constant headache. I notice this is a side effect. Will the headaches subside or should I stop taking the medicine? ## It can cause headaches as a side effect in some people that take it, as reported by the NIH. Other typical side effects may also include nausea, dizziness, and stomach pain. Are you on any other medications? ## I have now also developed severe nausea, stomach cramps and diaree and have stopped taking the medication. The only other medicine I take (and have for years is Crestor and Premarin). Elsabe
I have been using medicine for triglycerides for 15 years. Triglycerides was 720 before starting the medicines when I was at 35 years of age. I used Tryglid for sometime and Lipikind F for sometime and now I have been using Crestor 10mg since 3 months. I am diabetic for 12 years and currently using Invokana 100 mg - tab and Amaryl-1mg - tab and Jalra 50mg/1000mg -2 tabs on each day. Also using Esvin-20mg for acidity and Citopam-20mg -1 tab for around 10 years. I too have joint pains, RA factor is 10 (up to 10 is normal as per lab report) not using any medicines; being managed with regular exercise. I am not getting sleep day and night for the last two months. I used to sleep 11 hrs before that. I don't have any worries and problems and am otherwise comfortable. I am not able to find...
UpdatedI have been taking Crestor 10 mg for 5 months but on various Statins for 2O years. A few days ago my skin started to feel like I had a sunburn in my face, behind my neck, buttocks and legs, plus a bit of a sore throat. It is not anxiety because I popped a prescribed Klonopin and I felt calm but still burning skin I am convinced this is the Crestor. My doc thinks I am crazy Has anyone heard of this. I stopped taking it 2 days ago and so far no change, but I realize it is too soon to tell ## Oh yes, the FDA does list that as being a possible side effect, along with itching, tingling, feeling like your skin is crawling, and prickling sensations. One of the medications I take for my blood pressure can cause odd tingling sensations on the scalp, usually only when I'm out in the sun and i...
my Dr checked my BP today in his office he did a 6 test cycle , it was remarkably good for once @ 120/65 BUT I noticed he checked with cuff on my right upper arm, When I test it is much higher BUT I use my left arm , So my DR re tested with cuff on Left arm, results were much high at 160/80 range . the question is is this OK? and why is there such a variation,Should I follow up with more investigation or just forget it ? ## Hello, Rob! How are you? Actually, that big of a difference in readings could be a sign of other cardiac problems, so you should consult a cardiologist. It is normal to have some fluctuations, but it shouldn't be that much, according to the NIH. Are you on any medications to treat it? ## i am not on a cardiac med, unless you consider, Crestor for cholesterol cont...
I take Altosec, Pharmapress, Crestor - can any of these drugs cause severe cramps on long term use? ## There's a possibility it's from the Crestor, because it has been known to cause both muscle and joint pain and problems as side effects, as reported by the FDA. You may also experience nausea, dizziness and headache. How long have you been taking it?
PINK OVAL PILL CRESTOR ON ONE SIDE NUMBER 40 ON OTHER SIDE ## Cholesterol 6.5. on Colite it makes me sick. Doctor prescribed Crestor what is the side effects? ## Crestor contains the active ingredient Rosuvastatin and it's most commonly used to help lower cholesterol. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and joint/muscle ache. Learn more Crestor details here. Are there any comments or questions? Is there anything I can help with? ## Is there any help to get the cost lower. My insurance does not help me. I tried with coupons and it does not help. And my heart Doctor does not want me off this one we have tried other meds and Crestor work the best for me.
can i take this chlord clidi if i take Crestor and a blood pressure meds ## Hello, Casey! How are you? I didn't find any problems or interactions listed between the Crestor and Chlorthalidone. However, it is always best to double check such information to be certain. The FDA classifies Chlorthalidone as a diuretic that helps remove excess fluid from the body to treat conditions, such as edema, congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. What blood pressure medications do you take? I'm sorry, but I can't check those, without knowing more information. Can you please post back and clarify? Thank you!
from kerala,aged 57, Dr I had recently done CABG, Now Iam using clopilet 75 mg ,seloken XL 25, crestor 5 mg, Dynapress 0.4 and Finast 5 mg. Is there any side effects or major complications by using these much medicines continuously? iam using these medicines since last 9 months. Can i stop any medicines partially ? Iam also suffering prostate problem. ## I am a heart patient. I have done A.P. in the month of November, 2013. As per doctor's advice,I am taking the following medicines. I want to know that is there any side effect for taking the said medicine in long time. i) Monotrat SR 30 mg ii) clopilet 75mg iii) USP 50 mg iv) Stamlo - 5 v) Alzolam 0.25 vi) Reblet D
cardiac quadruple bypass patient.switched from crestor to zuvamor 20 mg in jan 2014.ldl reading increased from 1.7 in September 2012 to 2.4 in April and everything else unchanged during this period. can zuvamor switchover be the culprit.
UpdatedIncreasing soreness, stiffness & swelling of pinky, spreading to rest of hand (both). COULD IT BE RELATED ZUVAMOR? Switched over to Zuvamor 10 from crestor +-6 months ago. No serious symptoms while on crestor (+- 2 years) Frequent inflammation (joints, muscles) while on Lipidor before. (Also currently on glucophage & victosa, also co-tarec), (Also on 9th of 12 month herceptin, chemo stopped 7 months ago) ## Hello, Zony! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problems that you're having. It could be due to this medication, but there is also a chance that you may have something else going on, from the limited information in your post, one can only guess. Have you consulted your doctor? That would bet he best thing to do to get too the root of the problem.
My right Arm (bones) hurt mainly at nights (sleep in A/C a non issue), then hard to turn at nights, back aches and entire right down to the foot/bones pain. The back pain started last year, and the shoulder several months ago. I got Dolo Neurobion XR to take from tonight-one, and two Sun, 2 Mon. I have two stents and is taking Crestor 20MG, Baby Aspirin (81mg) and Atacand 16mg for blood pressure. Is this good for me to try for the pains?
Updatedsir, in 2011 i had Angio plasty at india, my doctor given presicription daily one plaviz 75 mg,Egosprin 150 mg, (for B/P) Amlodine, pantoprazolet tab 40 mg, nebicard 5 mg and night Crestor, Repace for(B/P) and Ativan 2 mg(for Sleeping). The above medicines till today I am taking. now i am living at united states, but i am gettin the above medicine from india. please advice me any problums for me above medicine. ## Do you have a doctor here in the U.S. that you are seeing? Have you been checking your blood pressure and heart regularly? Not all medications and dosages will continue to work for you forever. In most cases your body eventually gets used to the dose that you've been taking for awhile or becomes too used to a medication for it to be effective anymore. Thu...