Coumadin Vs Warfarin (Page 2)
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My mom was on coumadin for many years but then her insurance company told her she had to take warfarin as this is the one they would pay for. Is there really any different in these two drugs? It seems to me that she has been having more problems with the warfarin (keeping this medication at the right level) than the coumadin. I was told they were the same medications and do the same. I just wanted to know if some people have difficulties taking warfarin vs coumadin??? Thanks.

45 Replies (3 Pages)

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If you are there please talk to me. I have for several years trying to be forced to take warfarin and I am scared. Can you tell me how your mom is? I am now having to pay full price and it is killing me.

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I switched from coumadin to warfarin two years ago. I began having respiratory problems and have now been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. Could there be be some relationship with the generic coumadin and my lung problems? I had been on coumadin for two years prior because of a mitrol valve replacement (titanium). I am 60 years old.

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Anyone know of a safe effective alternative to Warfarin? This drug train is the pits.

My Korean acupuncturist is brilliant..treating my AFIB and says I am going to be just fine. This method of acupuncture medicine goes straight to the root cause. Its amazing how my energy came back after my first treatment. She says she will give me herbs to thin the blood naturally. If you are in NYC, GO TO DR. CHUNG, SHE IS A HIGHLY EXPERIENCED DR.


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I have experienced higher INR's when I added Fish Oil supplements to my routine, drink any alcohol(definitely avoid at all costs) and changed my diet/exercise routine. I have been on Coumadin/Warfarin for almost four years and it still happens to me sometimes. If you like to eat leafy green veggies, keep it consistent otherwise your numbers will be all over the board because they contain so much Vitamin K. e.g.- If you eat a huge spinach salad a few days before your INR it could bring your number down or if you eat them all the time and suddenly stop it could bring your number up. Some avoid this by not eating veggies high in Vitamin K at all.

If you are super concerned it helps to keep a journal of dietary changes and just make sure to always take your medication about the same time of day. I use an app that allows you to keep track of your PT/INR and keep a journal called INR Tracker and it helps me see patterns as far as my numbers go.

Hope that helps!

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Been taking warfarin since May for 2 blood clots in lung; numbers have been consistent 2.0 - 2.5; went back in a month and it was 4.3; they sent it outside to recheck and it came back as 5.0. Been taking 10 mg; was told to not take any for two days and then do 7.5 for 3 days and back to 10 for 2 days then will be retested. A little worried, anyone know what the culprit could be?

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How much you eat and how often and what you eat does effect your Coumadin level. I recently stopped eating as much and have been on Warfarin for 6 years. I have a metal heart valve (aortic). Since I reduced my caloric intake I have acquired some new problems. diverticulosis, which was first diverticulitis. Now in the last 6 or 8 months I have developed celiac disease. Now I suspect but have not confirmed That the warfarin may have gluten in it for a binder. If this is true then it is a problem for me. It does cause serious pain in my lower abdomen and in my pelvic area. My Coumadin level spiked at 4.1 and is supposed to be 2.5 to 3.5. This is a very serious situation for those of us that have need of Coumadin. can anyone confirm whether this Warfarin has gluten in it or not?

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that's why coumadin went from $99 for 3months at 5mg to $220 today....
cuz wafarin generic inr is never coumadin and wonder no one in medical field cares anymore?

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5 yrs.on coumadin and my dr. now saysshe wont take my case cause shes not qualified,does anyone know a dr. in dayton,oh. i can call for help?dennis

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I was taking Coumadin in the Hospital and after I got home they started giving me Warfarin. Now my stomach is upset all the time and I can't eat much of anything without it coming back up. I am going to try and get back on the Coumadin.

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Pulmonary embolisms take a long time to heal and you don't really know what kind of permanent damage could be done. I was told that I could still be having shortness of breath up to a year after I had mine.

Also, if you are anxious about it that can make the symptoms worsen because it can enhance the sensation of not being able to breathe. I know because I have been to the hospital for a lot of false alarms. Better to be safe than sorry thought.

My doc just switch me from warfarin to coumadin and I am interested to see if I feel better. I have been on Warfarin for 3 years and it has taken it's toll on my body that is for sure.

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I don't believe for a moment that all generic medications are the same as brand medications. It makes no sense that one would cost so much more than the other if this was the case.

I take Warfarin and am all over the place with it. One testing I'm at 1.8 and two weeks later am at 3. I eat very little, one light meal a day, no greens, salads or Vitamin K.

I also have a thyroid disorder. If I don't take Levoxyl, my levels are always messed up. I can't regulate it at all with the generic meds.

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You say you had breathing problems for no apparent reason...and you say you have had pulmonary embolisms. There's your reason. P.E.s block arteries in your lungs. You will feel like you can't take a full breath. Even though you can fill your lungs completely with air, part of your lung (s) is deprived of blood flow, so there is no gas exchange (oxygen for carbon Dioxide) in the effected portion of your lung. You feel "short of breath".

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My mother was on warfarin. Her insurance did not cover Coumadin either. After being on warfarin, because of a pulmonary embolism, for 2 months, she had side effects of right sided weakness, tingling, numbness, also 3 eyebleeds, a bloody nose, back pain, and other possible side effects. Her physician missed the side effects and treated her for a pinched nerve, and thought she had a stroke. MRI's of her brain, and her lower lumbar region were taken along with x-rays. A stroke was ruled out and physical therapy was ordered. 14 months later she had a spinal bleed. She was transported to a larger hospital. Her INR 2 days before the spinal bleed is said to be within therapeutic range. She was given 2-3 bags of thickner before the transfer to a different facility. Her INR upon arrival was 4.0 and 2 more bags were given. Emergency surgery was done and she woke up paralized from the breast bone down. Almost 3 years after her surgery, she can transfer with help, but she will be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. Everything has changed. She has to be catheterized every 4 hours and she is also bowel incontinent. She has unbearable tailbone pain and has to sit everyday. She is taking so many medications for pain and bowel regimen. She has leg and stomach spasms that are unbearable. IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE WHO HAS PERSONAL EXPERIENCE or who knows of someone who has a lawsuit filed against the drug manufacturer of warfarin or coumadin??? We were not aware of any foods that may cause havac while taking this drug. These drug companies need to be honest and give us all the side effects and whatever information about their drug to the public. WE HAVE less than 2 weeks to file a lawsuit. My Mother turned 65 one day before her spinal bleed, leading to her paralisis.

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My mother was on warfarin for a pulmonary embolism and was experiencing a few side effects 2 months after starting this drug. All side effects experienced were not recognized from her physicians. She was tested for a stroke and had a few MRI's done. She did have a spinal bleed 14 months after taking warfarin. An INR was done 2 days before the spinal bleed, which was within therapeutic range. She also refused to take her whole dosage and took half of the recommended dosage. Her INR at time her arrival to the hospital was 4.0. 2-3 bags of thickener was given before arrival to the hospiatl and 2 more given before surgery. I know she was not aware of certain foods causing havoc while on coumadin. We were not informed of this. She is now incontinent bowel and bladder, confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life, has terrific pain all the time, and has to be on many meds for pain, spasms, UTI infections, tailbone pain and many other problems. Does anyone know of any lawsuits out there against this drug manufacturer. I have less than 2 weeks to find someone else who has a claim against this manufacturer. There needs to be more information on taking warfarin/coumadin for side effects and also diets, and whatever else can cause interactions with this drug. LIKE MANY INSURANCE COMPANIES, COUMADIN WAS NOT COVERED.

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Coumadin absorbs different in the body than warfin and one is biologically and naturally composed vs chemically synthetic. Also my protimes are all over the chart on warfin but on coumadin they stay pretty consistant.

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Don't mess with the Coumadin. Warfarin absorbs differently in the body, and if you are hypercoagulant, you could stroke out. Do not change the meds. It is unfortunate that the insurance company cares more about $ than your mom's health. Do not change. It will cost more in the long run in hospital bills and rehab if something goes wrong.

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I have been on Coumadin for 40+ years, due to a blood disorder. When essintially forced by insurance to take Warfarin, I am having trouble controlling the INR, go figure...

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Wafarine is identical to Coumadin. Green pill is 2.5mg
Pink pill is 5 mg
White p. is 10 mg
You can send me some detailes, why you were put on blood thinner and perhaps, I will give you more alternatives.

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I was on Warfarin because of a DVT and was vomitting and really sick in my stomach. My Dr switched me to Coumadin. It is a bit more expensive (4 times) but I am tolerating it better eventhough still a bit nauseaus at times. He says it is quite common with the generic brand.

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My Mom's Dr. said Jantoven, which is also a generic form of Coumadin, is much more reliable than Warfarin. So we wnt with the Jantoven which is also covered by most insurers.

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