Coumadin (drug) Vs Nattokinese (natural)
UpdatedCOUMADIN (actually a rat poison!) is a commonly used blood thinner with some bad side effects. NATTOKINESE is a natural blood thinner with hardly ANY side effects. Any problem switching from coumadin to nattokinese? if YES how (gradually, or...) if NOT why not ?
9 Replies
How do I switch from COUMADIN (taking now 7mg due to an arterial blood clot, chronic arrythmya, and a small coronary artery) to natural NATTOKINESE? Has anyone done it and can I myself do it - SAFELY.My doctors are absolutelly oposing it!! Thank you for help. Mike, Toronto, Canada
I am having hip surgery next week. The doctor insists on my taking 2.5 mg of Coumadin for 30 days to prevent blood clots. I would prefer a natural blood thinner, i.e. Vitamin K. I have no history of heart or stroke, am in exdcellent health , am 68 yrs. old and need a new hip due to an auto accident 20 years ago. I would appreciate some advice. Many Thanks
My father is 92 yrs old. I have had him on Nattokinese for at least last 5 years. Two yrs ago diagnosed with aortic stenosis. Had many, many bleeding out like Coumadin would give you. He survived fall hitting head to concrete floor and did not bleed out in brain. He is in nursing home and I insisted on keeping him on Nattokinese. One doctor in nursing rehabilitation home actualy wrote me a prescription for it. He was Asian Doctor and evidently he knew what I was talking about. Remember the doctors are NOT supposed to prescribe over the counter drugs and they have to protect themselves from Amer. Med. Society too. I went to Homepathetic doctor....all bloodwork excellent..nothing out of line (I am 58) and then thank god I had Cardiovascular done...Blood very thick, lots of now I AM on Nattokinese, Curcumin and Krill oil to thin the blood out.
mike, have you switched yet? dr bloem , in maryland, has website about alternatives to warfarin you should check out. it says some can switch and inr is okay. am interested in switching also.
Mike, I would go to Dr. Williams website and call their 1-800 number. Discuss the situation with them and they can tell you more. I took dad off cold turkey and put him on it with all his other drugs and he did fine. Doctors who have never heard of it....are a problem. They truly need to do some research. I found some preclinical trials in progress in the past becasue big pharma would love to come up with something similar and market it. One doctor told me all the doctors have is Coudmadin/Warfarin(same product) to market and some use Plavix. Hope this helps.
To Mike and Storey :There is a new drug (not supplement) called Praxada that has been available for about a year that does not require constant monitoriing like Coumadin. The problem is that it's far, far more expensive that Coumadin. Many cardiologists are reluctant to prescribe it because it's so new - even though it's approved by FDA (for what that's worth). Praxada is specifically recommended for Atrial Fibrilllation.
The reason the Dr. wants you to take Coumadin (warfarin) is to prevent any blood clots from forming and causing a stroke after surgery. Please do not take Vitamin K as that is a coagulant. Do as the Dr. says and take coumadin, as that is the medication I take daily for atrial fibrillation. Did much research on the drug and since you will only be taking it as a low dose for only 30 days, it should help greatly to prevent complications of stroke.
Hi. I'm 45 years old and I just recently got clots in my legs; had surgery; and was then put on Coumadin and Lovonox. They had me taking the Coumadin in low doses for the first few days (1 - 1.5 pills). But over the past two days, I've gone to the lab and receiving my INR results which are still low (1.0 - 1.1). The anti coagulation team has now increased my Coumadin to 2 tablets last night, and now tonight they want me to take 3 tablets! Should I be worried??? I've been seeing all these horror stories online about people dying from Coumadin and how doctors are pushing this drug over others. I've never been on blood thinners before, so any advice is welcome. Thanks!
The problems with the newer drugs is that there is not stopping agent. With Coumadin you give the patient a shot of vitamin k to slow the bleeding the newer drugs that does not work. My Dad has issues on Coumadin with nose bleeds and was told if he was on one of the newer drugs he would most likely bleed out.
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