Could I Give My 3 Year Old A Scopex 10mg Tablet?
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Could I give my child Scopex 10mg (1 tablet) for cramps? She is 3 years old.

8 Replies

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Re: Celeste (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Can I give my little 5 years old scopex tablet 10mg

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Re: Fish (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Can I give Scopex to a 9 year old?

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Re: Zee (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Can I give my 10 year old child 1 Scopex tablet? He is having stomach cramps.

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Can I give my 7yr old son 1 Scopex tablet for stomach cramps?

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Top Answer
You should definitely run this by their pediatrician, but likely not. The active ingredient in this medication is Hyoscine, also known as Scopolamine. I was reading a leaflet on Scopex and it states "Due to the risk of provoking hyperpyrexia it should not be given to patients, especially children where the ambient temperature is high." It also says "Use with caution in children, geriatric patients, patients with diarrhoea, fever, and in conditions characterised by tachycardia". Source
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Is it safe to give my 8 year old child Scopex tablets?

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My 3yr old took one scopex table my mistake could he be in any kind of danger?

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Hello, Lee! How is your daughter?

Please do not give her any medication without her doctor's approval. It is very, very easy to overdose a child to the point of fatal toxicity.

Additionally, there are many conditions listed by the NIH that may cause cramps, such as diarrhea, gas, overeating, not eating enough, medications, viruses and flu, so before treating it, you need to find out what's causing the problem.

Does she have any other symptoms?

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