Could Enbrel Cause Persistent Fever With No Infection?
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Long read, need help! 59 year of male diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis 2 1/2 years ago. Tried going Vegan and took the insurance-required Methotrexate for 3 months with no relief whatsoever.
On the advice of my RA I started the 50mg injections of Enbrel. Within 2 days I noticed a big difference and was pain free within a month.
Fast forward to a month ago. Started getting a fever to which I've seen as high as 103.3°. Oddly enough, the Enbrel stopped working at the same and went back to severe pain and stiffness within 2 weeks. Went and had all kinds of blood work with no infection found. All Covid & Flu tests were negative.
So I went the emergency room 3 days ago and have cat scans, ultrasounds, MRI's and they cannot find source of the fever. Last injection was 10 days ago. I have stopped injections until the fever is under control.
The half life for Enbrel is 3-4 weeks.
I've mentioned this to all my doctors and specialists and they are kind of blowing me off. Has anyone gone thru anything similar and found out their source?
3 Replies
Re: Chops (# 2)
UGH! I am so sorry, that's a lot to deal with, and all at once makes it even harder.
I hope you're feeling better very soon.
Re: VerFree (# 1)
Thank you! I'm 9 weeks in with this fever, however; the fevers are intermittent now, but contracted Covid a little over a week ago and things are bad right now. I still haven't taken any inj's. since Nov. 10th. Arthritis is back with a vengeance. Thyroid levels were misdiagnosed about a 3 weeks before all this started, and only discovered 3 weeks ago. Getting a good baseline next week and hopefully starting the correct regimen on that! Before Covid last week and when fevers weren't there, I had constant headaches which could be from Thyroid being way too low! I have been in contact with my RH Doctor letting her know I will work on the Arthritis once the fevers have permanently gone.
Fever is a known side effect of Enbrel, according to FDA reports, along with nausea, stomach pain, dry eyes, dry mouth, and weight changes.
Given that all the tests haven't shown anything to be wrong, there is a good chance it was from the medication, as you've suspected.
Ref: Enbrel Information
Are you on any other medications?
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