Cost Of Diazepam Zepose 10
UpdatedWhat is the price in £ sterling to fill a prescription of zepose-10 diazepam?
6 Replies
Zepoze are probably the best diazepam I've had, trust me I've had a lot brands filled over the years and they are quality....
£0.16 per pill if you can find a pharmacy that will fill it.
Zepoze 10 mg from India not labeled Zepose or Cipro. Anyone else receive these? Are they truly diazepam?
Sleepa last year did you post about Ziproze (not Ziprose) from India that is not labeled Cipro?
Sleepa correction Zepoze (not Zepose). Sorry. Thanks.
Have u got a website that would fill a prescription for these? {edited for privacy}
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