Corex Cough Syrup Addiction (Top voted first)


My boyfriend is addicted to corex. He's 24 years old and he has been taking corex for the last two years. He started taking corex for depression. He is a medical student (b.a.m.s). He failed his exam and that's why he's depressed and started taking corex... How can i save him from this addiction? Please help me to save my boyfriend.

3 Replies

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Hello, Riya! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problem your boyfriend is having.

One of the ingredients in Corex is Codeine, which is a narcotic, so it does have the potential to be habit forming.

Has he talked to a doctor about his problem? He's going to need to get help with this.

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I'm addicted to cough syrup like Tosex, Corex, etc. and would like some advice on how to quit these drugs. I've gotten to the point now where I don't like these drugs, so please help me.

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Re: Sourov (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Brother you should try to find afeem, it's a natural medicine and helps in quitting Codeine based syrups.

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