Cor 136 And Cor 135 Pink Adderall By Corepharma Feel Very Weak (Top voted first)
UpdatedHas anyone else found Cor 136 30 mg and Cor 135 20 mg pink adderall tablets by Corepharma feel very weak, non stimulating, sometimes sedating, but most often upon if you never took any adderall?
Please note I used to be a big fan of Corepharma generic adderall back in 2009 to 2011. I have taken various brands of generic adderall since 2009 and Corepharma USED to be my favorite brand until the "great amphetamine shortage in 2012." After that year everything changed...
The positive effects of Corepharma from 2009 - 2011 in the pink 30 and 20 mg tablets used to be:
1) A BIG significant increase in motivation to tackle difficult tasks and mundane work.
2) An increase in mental energy.
3) An amazing increase in verbal communication with quick witty retorts, clear thoughts, mental acuity, and overall improvement in better and faster thought processes and sequences.
In essence this generic brand used to make me a much better well rounded person over that three year span.
Now: Since 2012 I have refilled with Corepharma on 11 different occasions from 2012 to December 1, 2016 at four different pharmacies. I have tried the Corepharma adderall blue 10 mg, pink 20 mg, and pink 30 mg over that time span and now find the following: The Corepharma generic adderall feels very weak. It feels is as if there is no amphetamines in the tablets at all. The medication (regardless of titration of dosage) simply does not have any positive benefits.
After taking the tablets you either feel nothing at all or fatigue.
(This is not a tolerance issue, nor a dietary issue, nor is it a cross tolerance issue. When I take other generic adderall brands I can feel them just fine.)
Unfortunately this Corepharma generic adderall is now simply an ineffective medication. I seriously question if they put any mixed amphetamines in the tablet.
I have read anecdotal reports on numerous boards for this generic adderall to be very "hit and miss" in terms of potency... But unfortunately I have not found any positive "hits" or positive results in any of my refills in the past four years while living here in Phoenix Arizona.
I know the issue isn't just me, since I can still take other generic brands of adderall and feel them just fine.
I have voiced my concern with Pharamcists, my doctor, and have called Corepharma which is now Impax to discuss these concerns... Impax Corepharma reps simply state best to their knowledge nothing has changed. From personal experience I know that is not the case.
If you are a Non-hyperactive Inattentive ADHD person like me who takes adderall to stimulate and wake up your brain please let me know what results you have found from Corepharma adderall.
12 Replies
Hi Bella,
Thank you for your comments.
What you have described mirrors exactly the issues I have found with Corepharma adderall.
It feels as if you either took nothing, or it will make you tired and irritable.
I've been on adderal for 5 years never took corepharma till this November..i literally went through my script in 2 weeks because I just kept taking them Thinking soon one way or another I would feel something ..nothing not one pill one day where I even felt close to normal . I have been moody depressed and basically in a rut of doing nothing! I can't fill again till December 7 so I just am taking nothing but I feel like I haven't took anything with the corepbarma pills anyhow..I will never fill at cvs again . I don't know why this would even happen!
Hello. I seem to be having the same side effects as you with the CorePharma adderall(20mg). I've only been taking it for almost two weeks and have not experienced any changes. My symptoms are: lack of motivation, lethargic, no mental energy, brain fog, and you name it. I also feel like i'm starving all day (stomach growls). To add to that, I seem to focus on the wrong things. I have been struggling with ADHD for many years now but wasn't diagnosed until 50 so I was expecting a miracle(lol). Hope everything works out for you.
I completely agree. I have taken it for years for same thing as you and any combination of the other orange brands round or football shaped work much better. The times i had the cor pink ones i was extremely disappointed and didnt notice much effect at all.
I agree RQJ, I cannot stand the core pharma generic. It makes me very sleepy as well. I can't focus, stay on task, and feel completely unmotivated... Almost apathetic. Bleh... Who needs it!
Teva makes a very good generic.
Yes!! I've been on them for over 2 years (never once took more than prescribed dose) and the last 2 refills of them, I accidentally took double my dose b/c I forgot taking them b/c I felt nothing.
You don't have to worry about its potency anymore because it has been discontinued by Corepharma
I've been on generic adderall for 5 years and had experience with most generic at least a couple of times. Body chemistry will result in differences in efficacy but i after having taken Barr/Teva/Aurobindo/the white ones (Sandoz?), pink Corepharma, XR (extended release) and I find that since the body will build some degree of tolerance over time whether or no you abuse it. Best thing to do is to mix them up.... 2 months Teva, then 2 months Aurobindo, etc. Find the 2 or three manufacturers that works for you and alternate every couple or so months. Btw i LOATHE pink Corepharmas and know which pharms carry which brand and in Cali I can go in and if they ran out, put in an order at 4pm and have it tomorrow by 11am. Don't buy their "we are out and dont know when its coming in again bs"...smaller mom/pop can order for have it to you by the next day. Problem is if they dont have enough customers their minimum order may be 90 pills and if your script is for 60 they dont want to sit on it....just like the street dealers....haha. Remember they can order and have it to you the next day but wont do it because they either don't trust you or they are bigger chains ie CVS, walgreens, Walmart, and Riteaid (that gets regular shipments and in that case should be able to tell you when the next shipment is). And btw tell them to check stock before giving you the script.....they want to see if you filled for the month first before telling u whether or not they have it in the drug database. That way they cant lie later. Interestingly Corepharma pinks are going up in price and Barr/Tevas have gone down.
I agree with you! I've been taking Corepharma 30mg for several years now and I've noticed a big difference in the past two months. I don't have ADD/ADHD, this med was prescribed to me strictly for lack of energy purposes. I began getting a general fatigue and weakness a couple of months ago. I tried increasing the dosage with no positive results. Brain fog, fatigue, weakness and a general overall s***ty feeling. I also have a friend that takes them every now and then who works some crazy hours. This guy has never taken adderall consistently and when he does take the pills they normally hit like a sledgehammer, but now even he barely notices any difference. Soooo, something is def going on with this little pink pill that used to be a lifesaver to me. I have no clue what to do. The side effects caused me to get off the drug altogether but the fatigue is brutal. Any good options out there?
I would just get your script filled at a different pharmacy . I get mine filled now at Walgreens because cvs has the pink corepbarma ones..Walgreens carries the orange teva which seem to do the trick
Hi, I have been taking generic Adderall for the past 10 years. I've tried dozens of different generics. Corepharma, is by far, the worst I've ever had. It's total crap and it's the cheapest one as well. I had a negative reaction right away and it was horrible. I got my pharmacy to return it and now I'm extremely particular about which one I get. Unfortunately, since the Corepharmas are so cheap, it seems like most pharmacys are switching over to save money.
Luckily, I found an awesome pharmacy that orders my preferred ones for me. I either get the Sandoz, Teva/Barr, and if I have to I'll get the Aurobindo ones. All of them are orange pills. Sandoz is iorange and round with imprint e401. Teva is oval and orange with imprint b 974 on one side and 20 on the other side. I think Sandoz is the "smoothest and cleanest" feeling. It has minimal side effects and no crash, at least for me. The Teva ones are probably the strongest for me, but they can have a little edgy feeling. Teva makes the Brand name Adderall so you would think that their generic is the best. A couple years ago, I took the ones made by Actavis. They have an imprint with a crescent shape on it. I haven't had them in a long time.
My advice would be to try Sandoz or Teva if u haven't. I would stay away from the Corepharma and the white one(malinkroft I think it's called) There's so many horrible reviews and they honestly were like poison to me. It makes me so sad to think that poorly made concoction of cheap chemicals is approved by the FDA. Young children take this medication and they maybe wouldn't know how to explain to grownups just how bad some of these knockoff generics really are. Pharmacys should take more pride in making sure they get their patients the best medication they can. Especially for the children that have to take it. Of course, all they care about is saving money. It seems like you really do get what you pay for.
Hope this helps. Have a goodnight.
I've been taking adderall for over 12 years. And i totally agree corepharma is junk. I consider these pills to be skimp for profit. I'm prescribed to 60 30mg pills per month. When I get corepharma I'm stuck with 60 10-15 mg pills.
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