Copaxone Forums

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want to see potho and know all about this druge ## have recently suffered severe depression and anxiety, have ms for 27 years have been on copaxone for about 10 years. When had mental collapse more test were done for done for my decline in cognitve ability it showed severe decline very slow processing speeds. My nuero said that maybe copaxone was no longer working and we should possibly consider changing my therapies. What could that mean. I am now afraid it might mean I have progressed to secondary progressive stage of the disease. The cognitive issues are pretty bad and I am applying for disability retirement

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Been treated for the PTSD since 1996, many different meds and therapy, M.S. since 1998, have done the big 3 meds, copaxone, rebif, avonex, on none now, back surgery in 2000 from car wreck, I have a G.P. a pain doc, and a shrink. I got shingles on 2/28. I am on 150mgs Wellbruton, Fentayl 50mg. patch, 1600 mgs. neurotin, 15mgs methodone. Did the valtrex, steroids. Tryed Lyrica, swelling of ankles, super depression. Today G.P. gave me a script for Amitriptyline. I was on Elavil at one point, did no good for depression, does anyone think that this will help with the nerve pain from the shingles. I feel these guys are using me for a test subject. Should the G.P. be giving me mood elevators when I have a shrink that I see weekly? The only thing that seems to be helping is the methadone, that ...

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