Contrave Vs Belviq (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I was on free 2 weeks of Belviq followed by 1 mo out of pocket Belviq. Lost and felt good with NO side effects at all. Then my doctor said she thought Contrave would be a better choice because it is just as effective, if not more, and cheaper...just 70 dollars a month. But, I have heart racing and feel agitated. I did not experience either with Belviq. I feel like calling my Dr. Back and asking to switch back and suck up the 200 mo. For Belviq.

73 Replies (4 Pages)

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I was taking contrave, but unfortunately it made my vision extremely blurred. I definitely was not hungry on it and wish I could have stayed on it. So the doctor now gave me prescription for belviq X-rays. Hope no side effects, but works as well as contrave did! I'm 60 and it gets harder to lose weight as I age.

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I live in California & used CVS to fill my Belviq prescription and I never paid more than $75 with the discount card. I am not a big fan of CVS pharmacy but that is the closest one to me. Anyone who is on a tight budget can call a pharmacy to check the price before ordering which is what I recommend.

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Contrave was AWFUL side effects only decreased slightly in 4 weeks... irritable, constant headache everyday, ringing in my ears, constant pressure in my sinus cavity, nausea, vomiting.... Belviq no real side effects other than slightly dizzy at times.. I will never put Contrave poison in my body again

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Re: Nursealk (# 69) Expand Referenced Message

I agree with you about Contrave. Made me feel horrible all the time. Sleepy, headache, nausea, hair loss, hot sweats, just like I went through with menopause 8 years ago. Once is enough, believe me!!!

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Re: Comments (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I am currently taking contrave and I have been for 2 months and I haven't lost 1 lb it's not working and it's very costly insurance doesn't pay yet

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Re: JH (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I had been on contrave for over 3 years. I had some side effects initially such aa headaches, heat flashes and constipation. I lost 65 pounds and maintained the weight loss. I stopped craving foods and felt full early.
Then it seemed to be less effective. I asked my doctor to switch me to something else. I started belviq with wellbutrin. It has reversed everything. Im hungry all the time,i have cravings.
I decided this morning to go back to contrave. For me, its a miracle medication. I was on it 3 years and it stopped being a effective, but it still worked.
The only constant negative side effect was constipation which miralax daily does the job

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Re: Belviq Freak (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Why were you on both Belviq and phenterine? The Phentermine should have done the job of weight loss. I just started contrave and was taking phenterine but because of high blood pressure I had to come off the Phentermine . I wish I could still take it because the price is 35.00 compared to 100.00 out of pocket .

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Thank you Karl. I will dicuss with my PCP this Friday. With me not taking my regular meds, I haven't had any negative side effects with's just some mornings I've lost a pound or 2 and then the next day I've gained back. Also appetite control is one of the issues I have. But I know it's all going to work out. Thanks again for the information :-)

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Not true --- I paid about $130 per month for the Belviq --- NOT $75. A good medication if it works ---

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Contrave is advertised on tv as a weight loss drug

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Contrave is indeed a medicine for weight loss. I am going to ask my doc about it today.

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The $75 max is NOT TRUE ---- at least not with CVS. I always paid $120 something.....

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Hello, Jewels! How are you?

Are you certain that Contrave is the correct name of the medication? Because it is listed by the FDA as containing Naltrexone and Buprenorphine, which is used to treat drug addiction, it is not used for weight loss. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Belviq contains the active ingredient Lorcaserin and it used to help with weight loss, along with diet and exercise. Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, anorexia and loss of appetite.

Can you please double check and post back? Thanks!

Editor's note: Content of this message has been deemed inaccurate

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