Contrave And Vomiting (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have been on Contrave for 3 months. I have battled nausea all along, hoping it would go away. I've lost 15 pounds. The pill seems to make everything taste bad. Coffee, spicy food, even just scrambled eggs taste bitter and gritty. I didn't have any other side effect. This past week, the nausea has moved on to vomiting. I've used Tumms and Dramamine as well as a prescription anti nausea med on and off for all three months. I truly feel poisoned. I feel ridiculous that I have used this knowingly for 3 months and endured feeling sick. I've spent a lot of money and feel terrible even a week after stopping the drug. Please don't take this. I feel that fairly soon enough folks will complain enough to take it off of the market.

25 Replies (2 Pages)

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Re: Teri (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

No don’t try again because I lost 54lbs. On contrave I gain all my weight back so my doctor gave it back to me again and the 2nd week I was vomiting so bad that I couldn’t work or lift my head up please don’t take it again your body will reject it

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It's been a month now. I still have no appetite in the morning and I always did before. People say I seem a lot brighter and happier. It's weird to be slowly poisoned like that and not really notice it.

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I have been on Contrave for about 6-7 weeks. I was previously on phentermine and had lost over 70 lbs. Phentermine quit working, so I switched to Contrave. I have gained almost 50 lbs back, I am always hungry, never feel full and am nauseated all the time. I exercise regularly, and eat a low calorie diet. I have also noticed that I have tremors as well now. I have no energy as well. I have noticed I don't crave sweets anymore, which is a bonus. I think I am going to talk to my Dr. again about trying Belviq, my wife who is also having weight issues. She recently switched from phentermine as well, as it quit working for her. She didn't see as big of a weight loss with phentermine as I did, but she didn't work out as much as I did while on the medication. I actually had energy and was motivated.

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I feel alive again. Many of my friends have also commented on how my personality had flat-lined. There are so many symptoms that were listed. Some where that you could get seizures if you eat something too greasy and of course suicide. How terrible.

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Re: Maya (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I filled out a report to the FDA about Contrave yesterday. I think this medication is dangerous and needs to be taken off the market. You can contact the FDA at 855-543-3784 or

This drug should be pulled and people ought to be reimbursed. The reimbursement probably won’t happen but it should. I felt like I was poisoned and I am not real happy with my doctor who told me there were few side effects if any. There were brochures and posters all over the office. My doctor is uninformed pushing this drug. I will be letting them know.

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