Contrave And General Anesthesia (Top voted first)


Hi. I am scheduled for a surgery in 2 weeks, in which I'll be having general anesthesia. Does anybody know if the Contrave will interact with the meds they give you to put you out? I'm just getting started with this. I hate to quit, but safety first. Thanx for your replies.

2 Replies

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Hi Kathleen,

If you have a moment, I would probably encourage you to give a quick call to the anesthesiologist and/or surgeon just to be safe. One other thing I wanted to mention is that according to the University of Maryland Medical Center ( / drug interaction tool) there are no interactions listed between Contrave and the anesthesia itself.

However, alcohol appears to be an inert ingredient in one of the most commonly used intravenous anesthetic solutions known as Propofol. The bupropion in Contrave is what interacts with alcohol so that is really the only thing I can find in my investigation that you should probably be aware of. regards it as a "high interaction potential" that may increase risk of seizures, confusion, changes in mental awareness, etc...

I hope all is well!

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I really appreciate your reply I just got off of the contrave until after my surgical procedure! It's amazing how nobody really knew how to address this during my pre-op appointment I just recently started my contrave back up

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