Contrave Dizziness And Disorientation
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Started Contrave 7 days ago. On the very first morning (2nd dose) I was so sleepy. Like exhausted-sleepy from shopping for 2 hours. The intense exhaustion seems to wearing off a bit, but there is something else. The dizziness is pretty bad, I'm disoriented, walk like I'm slightly drunk, have trouble focusing on anything. Like the buzzed feeling of being drunk, when you turn your head and your vision swims for a second? That's me. Has anyone else experienced this? It's annoying. How long do side effects take to wear off?

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Thank you so much. I read the side effects time and time again, I guess I just wasn't processing properly. I'm feeling a bit better, back to functioning mostly normally.

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Hello, Rose! How are you?

Those can be normal side effects of this medication, as reported by the FDA, you may also experience nausea, nervousness and headache.

Usually, the side effects should improve in a couple weeks, as your body gets used to a medication and then eventually go away entirely.

If they don't disappear, after about 4 to 6 weeks, you should consult your doctor as it may not be the right medication for you.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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