Contents Of Focalin Xr - Inside The Capsule
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What do the contents of focalin xr look like inside the capsule? I'm asking because I feel my son's medication was tampered with. I think that someone emptied the contents of the capsules because for a couple of weekends that I got my son they were empty and then I mentioned it to his father that they were empty. The next weekend I got him, their capsules came with a baby formula looking substance inside them.

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Re: Kenny (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

1/4 to 1/2. For the 10 mgs My childs been on them for years.

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My daughter just got prescribed Focalin 10mg XR capsules. The doctor wanted us to start her out on half a dose. I'm trying to figure out how many beads are supposed to be in one capsule?

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Inside the capsule of focalin xr, are a bunch of tiny beads. Myself and my son has been on it for a while now, and at first, his was sprinkled onto applesauce. So, I'd say, yes, someone tampered w his meds. It is NOT a powder. Next refill, open the capsule and see for yourself. U can also shake the capsule and hear the beads inside of it. I have the same problem with my son's dad. What a shame anybody has to worry about that! Your own kid. Makes my blood boil

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Hello, Jessica! How are you?

Which capsules are you asking about? Without knowing the specifics, such as those dosage and markings on it, I can't research this information for you.

Can you please post back and clarify? Thanks!

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