Complaints About Rhodes Pharmaceutical (Top voted first)
UpdatedI was taking Mallinckrodt oxycodone 5 mg and I had ZERO side effects. My pharmacy switched to Rhodes Pharma (God only knows why). But, after just taking 1 before bedtime, my heart was racing out of control, I didn't sleep at all, and woke up in a lot of pain and feeling all sweaty. I also wasn't able to have a bowel movement (a problem I never had with Mallinckrodt). Anyhow, I called multiple pharmacies and NOBODY has Mallinckrodt brand. Guess I will have to sit here and wait until I have convulsions, a heart attack or just die (since I can't take these pills)! While the DEA says they are trying to PREVENT OPIOID PROBLEMS, what they're really doing is CAUSING MORE PEOPLE TO DIE! Those who DO abuse opioids - I say, "SCREW THEM!" I, for one, never abused my meds. All I ever wanted was to be able to function and work. My life is over thanks to the DEA and making pharmacies hand out dangerous drugs manufactured outside of the United States, or giving people a lot less of the active ingredient they need to function. Sadly, ALL pain management doctors will end up going out of business because people like me are either going to die from these horrible generic drugs or just stop taking them and end up dying from a heart attack or deadly comvulsions. THANKS DEA. My suggestion: those who are taking WAY TOO MUCH OPIOIDS ON PURPOSE, SCREW THEM! Let THEM die! But, let those who truly need their meds and are taking low doses of it LIVE!!! Stop trying to kill people! Rhodes, I believe, is simply handing out sugar pills and THEY are getting money for nothing! RHODES PHARMA SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED AND SHUT DOWN! Just ONE pill nearly killed me!!!
7 Replies
I've heard that argument about marijuana vs tobacco before but haven't seen anything entirely conclusive. It has been proven that marijuana does have medicinal value, albeit it doesn't need to be smoked for this. What really kills me is the alcohol vs (well pretty much anything) argument.
Think about it. You can walk into a liquor store and purchase enough alcohol to kill an elephant. Yet much like tobacco the ATF and excise get "their cut". Sort of like gambling. It's only legal if the government (mafia) get's their %. Anyway, alcohol is WAY worse for you than marijuana, tobacco, or even prescribed opiates. People die of acute alcohol poisoning all the time! Yet they (whoever), want to crack down on legitimate pain medication. So ironic.
I've veered way off topic. I guess the bottom line is that it's a free country and if people want to kill themselves with substances then why not? It's okay when it's tobacco or alcohol or a fireplace as you stated. They're getting totalitarian about prescription medication for some reason. We both know they don't give a crap about OUR health so they must not be getting their cut from the drug manufacturers or something. I guarantee you those fat cats on Capitol Hill are probably eating 100s of MG of the finest opiates known to man from all those poppy fields we have locked down in Afghanistan...
Re: Mason (# 1)
I just have to correct you on one thing. Opiate withdrawals CAN kill you. There was a lady just recently in the news that was incarcerated and was going through withdrawals ,she complained and no one took it serious ,she ended up dying from those withdrawals. I also had an instance where I wanted to wean off without help and nearly died. I ended up being admitted to the hospital. I was severely dehydrated from throwing up. But I've also heard of other cases . They just aren't as much highlighted attention.
Re: Mason (# 1)
First of all, yes--the DEA is all over the so-called opioid crisis. They are the ones that investigate PM doctors and this is why random drug panels are necessary at the doctors' offices. I'm fine with that. I have nothing to hide. I only take the amount prescribed--never MORE or less. I am on a low dose; but, I have tried a few other manufacturers of oxycodone/APAP 5/325 and I can only tolerate those made from Mallinckrodt. Some people think all generics are the same. Not true. The active ingredient can be up to 20 percent less or up to 80 percent higher than the one you were previously taking. Either way, this is very dangerous. I wasn't experiencing "withdrawal symptoms". I was trying to warn others that Rhodes oxycodone can cause severe heart racing. I wasn't able to sleep. That may be okay for someone that stays home all day; however, I need to WORK FOR A LIVING. So, I explained this to my doctor. Nobody should be FORCED to take a medication they are having severe allergic reactions to. And, basically, that's what I was told. Again--unacceptable. I'm sure my doc would agree with me. I've searched other sites and, YES--patients DO have the right to demand their prescription be filled by a manufacturer that they have had no adverse side effects. My doctor is aware of my multiple allergies.
It may not have anything to do with the active ingredient but the inactive ingredients could be what is making so many people SICK from taking Rhodes Pharma meds. Want others who have had problems with Rhodes to file complaints with the FDA. Obviously, the DEA would love to see all opioids discontinued. Go figure. Yet, SOME STATES ALLOW RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA USE! Now, THAT is stupid. I did a paper in college on the effects of tobacco vs. marijuana. My findings were astounding! Just ONE JOINT has the same effect on a person's lungs as if he/she smoked an entire pack of cigarettes. Another thing people don't know is that wood burning fireplaces are FAR MORE DANGEROUS THAN SMOKING ANYTHING! Just 4 hours sitting by a wood burning fireplace is like smoking an entire carton of cigarettes. FYI--I am NOT defending tobacco. Just saying there are plenty of things that are dangerous in this world. But, this whole issue started because the Hollywood Elites were basically killing themselves with overdosing, as mentioned before, I just want to function in life and WANT and NEED to work! I'm not a "junkie" and people with chronic pain are sometimes treated that way. And, it isn't right. Depends on you and your own situation. If anyone else had a problem with Rhodes Pharma, report it. Not sure it will help or not--since these pills are manufactured in INDIA! That's why I love President Trump! AMERICA FIRST! Make American; buy American products! This especially should be true for drugs that you put into your body. SAFETY FIRST! Take care to all.
I agree there is something wrong with 30 milligram ones too why are they so big compared to all brands also whatever additives they have used make them not work and I have no choice but to take a pill that I am having a reaction to because no other manufacture other than Rhodes is available ...CVS carries right pills but they refuse my prescriptions I am screwed too here out in California tooi
Just a couple of things...
The DEA has nothing to do with it as far as I know. The crackdown on opiates is mainly by drug stores, insurance companies, and doctors via the new FDA "recommendations". There are other oxycodone manufacturers available such as qualitest, amneal, aurobindo and actavis. Albeit most of these have side effects as well I don't their as bad as Rhodes and mostly work for the pain. Many CVS stores stock qualitest as well as rhodes. If you ask for the qualitest they will give those to you instead. Otherwise they will automatically give you rhodes. Most Walgreens switched to Camber (which by most accounts is just as bad as rhodes) but some of them may still have some of the Actavis left.
Secondly, opiate withdrawal is not fatal. Only two types of withdrawal can kill you, alcohol and benzo withdrawal. I know opiate withdrawal is horrible and miserable and you may feel like you're dying, but you won't.
That being said I fully agree with you that Rhodes oxycodone sucks. Unfortunately pretty much all of them are being made in India now including Amneal and Aurobindo. Try to find qualitest, activas, or mallinckrodt if you can. Mallinckrodt have been impossible to find lately. They may not be perfect but they're a hell of a lot better than rhodes. Oh and if you can get really lucky and find Endocet you're golden. However, I couldn't find them anywhere as of late either.
I remember getting mallinckrodt percocets back in the day and they were definitely the best, at least for my body.
Please don't take these meds they aren't any good they don't work plus we don't really know what is put in for additives
I agree 100% Rp suck everything they make is unacceptable however they're still in business giving out nothing but garbage sorry to say but it's true.
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